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Messages - SpaceMonkey

Wow see what I miss when I\'m away for a few weeks?  I loved this article.  I love words,  I think I have to go buy \"Both Flesh And Not\"  and see where that book takes me. 
Commenting on one of the words in this article; myriad.  I have long waged a private war in my head  on the usage of this word, it\'s nice to finally get some vindication
Thanks for sharing Cordelia!!!
General Discussion / Congrats SpaceMonkey
November 24, 2015, 05:22:20 AM

  •    Oh man thank you all so much. Busy BusyBusyBusyBusyBusyBusyBusyBusy.  I did not realize school, work, and two children was going to be quite the way it has been.  I look forward to resuming activities here now that I\'ve got some more time.

I hope all of you have been safe and well.  
Edited because I neglected to say that mom and baby are doing well and I will post a couple pics soon  
General Art / wolf spirit beautiful
October 21, 2015, 06:48:51 PM
Wow!  I love wolves too......and the universe....this is beautiful.  
Poetry / I Am
October 21, 2015, 05:21:15 PM
Well done.  I think this is my favorite poem of your\'s so far.  I really really love this.  It\'s very eloquent and soft spoken to me, yet carries a powerful idea. pleasekeepwriting 
Poetry / The Awakening
October 21, 2015, 05:18:17 PM
I really like the ending, a lot.  And I love the 3rd line repeats and the 4th line repetition too.  I have never seen The Reckoning so I don\'t know if your poem is about the movie directly or not.  I also really liked how you ended the poem in a more free verse style while the bulk of the poem is not.  It made the ending fresh for me, like a dash of cool water to the face  on a hot day.  \"an eminent ascent\" is a line I might edit for no other reason than it\'s 6 syllable length is not matched in any other line before the last stanza, when I read this that line kind of clunks me up.  Which is lame because the actual line \"an eminent ascent\" is really quite a pretty line it\'s my favorite one before the last stanza.   Anyways thanks for sharing it.    
Poetry / Love(pt 1)
October 20, 2015, 11:06:07 PM
I meant part one as in a series of poems about love.  I have nine so far but some of them are better than others.  Each one explores a different facet of love.  This one is one of my favorites so I decided to share it.    Eventually I envision it as one long poem with several separate parts, right now I\'m just building them.
Poetry / Love(pt 1)
October 19, 2015, 07:39:17 PM
 \"Love\"It cleanses with a scathing brillianceNo fault can hideA light that illuminates with itsFeverish regardThe darkness that is everywhereEveryone It does nothing to stem the tideThat crashes with a shivering graspLeaving shadows on all sidesBlind and bound A hostage to The future   
Poetry / her
October 14, 2015, 01:05:55 AM
I love the way the layout is of this poem.  You make me want to try this too!!The picture changes the meaning of the poem for me completely.  I read it first, then looked at the picture for awhile and then read it again.  I really like visual poetry.Could you comment on how the picture relates to your poem for you and why you chose it? Kudos and Bravo,Mr. Monkey
General Discussion / Weekly Talk; 12th-18th October
October 13, 2015, 08:42:44 PM
Also tonight is Dungeons and Dragons, a campaign I play with friends online with the Roll20 app in Google plus.  So its fun, hanging out with friends in a web cam hangout.  I am also working on 4 different poems getting them ready for submission.  I am excited about that because it will be my first foray in to publishing in about 10 years.  
General Discussion / Weekly Talk; 12th-18th October
October 13, 2015, 05:13:55 PM
My DR appointment tomorrow.  I\'ve having a rough time typing with my shoulder, I have been doing it one handed the past 3 days now.  Finishing my Halloween story.  My plan was to be done by now but because of medical issues I got setback a little bit.  I have not been able to do much commenting but I have still been reading peoples work everyday and liking posts.  I hope to have some good news tomorrow.
General Discussion / Weekly Talk; 5th - 11th October
October 09, 2015, 04:39:21 PM
I\'m going through something similar.  I\'ve had a flare up this week of my surgically repaired shoulder.  I have been battling chronic pain from a surgery 3 years ago but it\'s really bad this week.  I also have pain in my neck going up in to my head and down in between my shoulder blades.  I see a specialist on Wednesday, but the pain was so bad I had to go to emergency room this morning.They would not xray me.  They just said \"pain is most likely related\"  then gave me something for the pain and sent me home.  At least they gave me a non narcotic anti inflammatory   I am hoping that one Wednesday they will be more investigative as to the cause.  
Computer Graphics / Painting from scratch in Photoshop
October 07, 2015, 06:22:13 PM
This is really very touching.  It reminds me about a lot of different things.  I have no idea how to create visual arts, I can\'t comment on the technique,  but to me this is very beautiful.  I have always been drawn to tragic things.   
Poetry / No More Heroes
October 07, 2015, 05:49:56 PM
I do like this one too.  I really like the twist at the end that ties it in with the opening stanza.  It made me go right back to the beginning and read it again.It\'s kind of ambiguous as to who\'s fault it is that there are no more heroes.  I like that a lot too.  Thanks for posting Frosty  
Does this have to be a scary story?  I am writing a first person narrative regarding the origins of Halloween from the point of view of Samhain, a personification of the Halloween God who is trapped in a scarecrow body with a carved out pumpkin for a head.  He is trapped in that body because that is what people today believe he looks like.  He is railing on about the sorry state of Modern Halloween.  He longs for the older days when people would leave food out for him and the other fairies, dress up in mummers garb and walk through the forest chanting poems and singing songs.  Now plotting revenge in  the form of fairypocalypse and anyways you see where this is going. The fairies ARE going to be quite monstrous but I think it\'s going to be more humorous than funny.
October 04, 2015, 08:05:40 PM
I apologize for not commenting on this sooner.  I have read this poem  about 10-15 times.  This most recent time, I was reading it out loud and was yelling so loud by the end that my wife ran out to the garage to see what was wrong.  This poem is mad genius, both in form and execution.  I don\'t know if professional publishers would \"get it\", but I certainly do.  This is very powerful as a spoken word piece and I would be in awe of it if I had heard it at a poetry slam.Since you have a lot of word play in this piece a suggested tweak I thought of near the end of the poem the section reads:\"undetered in this food fight\"I thought a cool twist would be for it to read:\"undeterred in this food flight\" Also I fixed the spelling of undeterred for you.Thanks man for sharing this with us, I am an instant fan of your work and process