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Topics - Call me Cordelia

Poetry / When Clouds are Mountains
December 24, 2015, 03:57:50 AM
You have to use your imagination a little because the photo does NOT do the vista justice... when I went for a walk this morning, the clouds looked like mountains to me. Since I live in one of the flattest states, it\'s the best I can do!

I titled the photo \"When clouds are mountains\" and then a poem hit me.
I used PicMonkey to manipulate the image a little and to add text.
Photography / Good morning, Kansas City!
December 24, 2015, 03:21:15 AM
I\'ve been gone for a minute... end of semester is a busy time! Here are a few shots of a foggy morning as I\'m driving to work and from the teacher\'s parking lot.
I recently came across https://amandeepmittal.wordpress.com/2015/10/25/five-david-foster-wallace-essays-you-should-read/\" rel=\"external nofollow\">a blog post about David Foster Wallace\'s essays. Having only barely heard of the man (and the controversy of having Jason Segel play him in a biopic), I was intrigued and spent the morning reading the five essays.I enjoyed all but one of the essays (I\'m really not that into tennis). But one stood out, high above the others.http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/books/9715551/What-words-really-mean-David-Foster-Wallaces-dictionary.html\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\" rel=\"external nofollow\">What words really mean: David Foster Wallace\'s dictionary is FABULOUS. I love words, but I am no aficionado, as clearly DFW is.In addition to learning a few new words (pulchritude, noma, and a plethora of adjectives for \'hairy\'), I\'m also developing a derision for puffed up words, like \'utilize\' (a totally superfluous word completely overused in education).I\'m sure I\'m the only one who has not read anything by David Foster Wallace just as I\'m sure I\'m not the only one feeling quite energized and inspired after reading this article/essay.Thoughts?
Photography / Pyro
October 17, 2015, 09:18:28 PM
I love candles, I adore fire./monthly_2015_10/12113413_10153692413349806_4431289238707338853_o.jpg.522384a8bc42fa5f532be56e35b45432.jpg\">

I used a filter on Instagram for this one; it\'s very similar to the original - it just added more blue to the glass (refection of the sky that is reflected off my coffee table).
Poetry / The Awakening
October 17, 2015, 04:21:59 PM
This is one of my favorite poems, but I cannot explain it, nor do I understand it. It came to me after I watched http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0258816/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_26\">The Reckoning. I think I need to rewatch the movie and see what kind of reaction I have to it now...-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------THE AWAKENING
© frohmberg 2007scream in the night
a small baby\'s cry
a mother\'s lament
for her child will hidethe walking dead
a curse on his head
a mother\'s lament
for her child will diethe baby grew
his mother knew
an eminent ascent
for her child will lienow a grown man
forsake thy hand
an eminent ascent
for her child will fightbattles are won
but his life is done
deny all descent
for her child of mightleader of light
giver of sight
deny all descent
for her child of flighttake wing, young man
you must away
your splendor reserved for another day
your proud brow will aid you now
it is a gift from your father  
Photography / Sunset Collage
October 10, 2015, 10:49:19 PM
As I said before, I took a lot of sunset pictures when I was housesitting over the summer. Here\'s a collage I created of my favorites for a https://iwouldratherread.wordpress.com/2015/06/28/muse/\" rel=\"external nofollow\">Daily Photo Challenge through WordPress. There were several huge storms that raged through the area, a few sunset pics were taken just before they started.../monthly_2015_10/Sunset_Collage.jpg.2ce588c2a23e5242463457fb0ee57444.jpg\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\">
Photography / Bird at Sunset
October 10, 2015, 05:55:21 PM
Photo © Sarah Frohmberg June 2015 in Weston, MO (USA)-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------This was another \"happy accident\" of a photo. When I was housesitting, I\'d stand on the porch and watch the sunset. Each evening, the colors were different. This night, a whole bunch of birds were very restless and one flew very close to me as I was taking pictures.
/monthly_2015_10/11201900_10153437462464806_9056829827928777216_n.jpg.1e8a5e117beb9f18c5a611c0abc5d20e.jpg\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\">
Photography / Quintessential Country
October 05, 2015, 09:25:09 PM
I took this one in July; behind where I am standing for the picture, there is a farm and market run by children, teens, and adults with developmental disabilities. The barn is not as isolated as the picture would make you feel...
Poetry / Connected
October 03, 2015, 02:44:32 PM
Image and Design c. Frohmberg 2010______________________________________________________________________________________On the left is my grandmother when she was about 18 years old (c. 1942); on the right is me, Christmas 2009.For years on the anniversary of her death, I will be overwhelmed with memories of her, often very surreal. This has not been the case for awhile, but I recently found this poem/collage and was bombarded all over again.
/monthly_2015_10/Connected.jpg.f3b28a9ab8d5802578e3b3a49ba4fdd4.jpg\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\">
Poetry / epiphany
October 03, 2015, 12:54:43 AM
I wrote this ten years ago when I visiting my parents on their farm (where we lived when I was in high school). The photo was taken a few months ago when I was housesitting out in the country. So peaceful, so lovely.
/monthly_2015_10/epiphany1.jpg.0006cd651d717f96c2718d4541001a9d.jpg\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\">
Photography / Seagull
October 03, 2015, 12:40:27 AM
Photography & Design © Frohmberg 2013

Photo taken at Isle of Palms, beach near Charleston South Carolina (July 2013)._________________________________________________I used http://www.picmonkey.com/\" rel=\"external nofollow\">http://www.picmonkey.com/ to insert the quote and adjust the color a tad (so the text would stand out a little more).
/monthly_2015_10/1079106_10151731878604806_2110776976_o.jpg.cf716abe3643c2682a60ccab6a474e7a.jpg\" class=\"ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image\">
Challenges & Artistic Exercises / RHYMES!
October 03, 2015, 12:20:02 AM
This game is called \"RHYMES\"

How to play: Write a verse(s) around the topic provided in the previous post. There are no restrictions on length, structure or rhyme scheme. 

Don\'t forget to add your own topic for the next person.  Next Topic: Puppy Love
Challenges & Artistic Exercises / Roundabout 1
October 03, 2015, 12:05:29 AM
This is a fun game and here are the rules:
Someone starts with a four line poem using any rhyme scheme. The next person takes the last line of the previous poem and uses it as her first line. And so on and so on... You get one epic poem that takes many twists and turns; some are fun some are excruciating... but all are entertaining (and better than not writing at all!)[/quote]I\'ll start:I wish I was a tulip flower
So gorgeous and red
I could live in a peaceful garden
With no worries in my head

Introductions / My name\'s not really Cordelia
October 02, 2015, 11:48:53 PM
You can call me Cordelia, but I probably won\'t respond.My grandpa called me Sally, my students call me Miss, but you can call me Sarah. Because that is my name. https://iwouldratherread.wordpress.com/ I look forward to participating in this site; I miss regularly reading and writing poems, songs, and short stories!
Entertainment & News / Jackie Collins Dead!
September 20, 2015, 01:23:05 AM
Just got this notification from CNN \"http://www.cnn.com/2015/09/19/entertainment/jackie-collins-obit/index.html\" rel=\"external nofollow\">Best-selling author Jackie Collins has died of breast cancer at age 77.\" I never read any of her books, but have always been fascinated by her celebrity status. I might have to pick up one of her novels as she was a \"trail blazer for women in fiction and a creative force.\"Have you read anything by her? Have any recommendations?