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Topics - FrostyKitten

Computer Graphics / Painting from scratch in Photoshop
October 06, 2015, 02:38:25 AM
Hey guys and gals... Here\'s a painting I did in Photoshop with my Wacom Intuous 3 tablet quite a few years back. I would like to revisit this image and improve it, but sadly my Wacom is still in Canada while I\'m in the States. I was contemplating just buying a new one.This was one of my first major digital paintings. It ain\'t perfect, but I love it
Poetry / No More Heroes
October 05, 2015, 03:50:11 PM
Raven feathers, dark cathedralsRays of darkness guide ourHeroes. Masks and costumesMasqueradesFoul playA hero's day. Petals falling, scents appealingLove and courage–Heroes kneeling. Wars and talk showsCharred paradesMasqueradesAnd handshake slaves– Love and courageNo more feelingsPetals fallingHeroes kneeling... Raven feathers, dark cathedralsCharred parades withNo more heroes.
Poetry / Don\'t Worry, Baby Girl
September 28, 2015, 04:17:52 PM
Stitch it up—it will be okay,Just enough to last another day.Just one more—ah, there! It's cinched!Sealed shut, sealed tight—oops it pinched. Don't worry, don't worry—it's okay!Didn't we talk about it the other day?You said yes, so I went through.Wait! You said no? Oh, get a clue! Just stitch it up—here, let me do it.Oops it pinched. Don't worry, I'll get you through it,I'll plow you through; I'll plow you goodLeave a bruise right where I stood. Don't worry, don't you worry, baby girl.A diamond ring, a mocking merle,What more could you want? What more could you yearn?I got all you need, and I'll make it burn. Sealed shut, sealed tight—no one will know.Mouth shut, lips tight—what a good show.Don't worry, don't worry pretty babe,The scars I'm leaving won\'t ever fade. 
Hey guys!Here\'s an awesome video I saw today, and I thought I\'d share with you all. Please be advised there\'s a couple of nudity scenes, but nothing major. Video Description:Hannah Fraser is a passionate, driven adventurer, with an ability to emanate a gentle feminine power in the most challenging conditions.
She is credited with inventing a whole new vocation, becoming the first 'Freelance Mermaid', working as an ocean environmentalist, underwater performance artist and model. Fascinated by mermaids since she was a child, she created her first tail when she was only 9 years old. 
She now creates exquisite mermaid tails and travels the world performing underwater as a mermaid for film, television, advertising, events and environmental activism. 
Hannah uses her unique link to the ocean to inspire and educate people on the importance of marine life. She is a strong role model of self empowerment for young woman across the globe who see that she has made her dreams a reality, no matter how unlikely the odds!
Hannah has been working on creating groundbreaking imagery showing the connection between human and sea creatures for over a decade. She has swum fearlessly with Tiger Sharks, Great Whites, Whales, Dolphins, Manta Rays, Whale Sharks, Seals, and many more animals in the open ocean. 
She says \"Being in the ocean is where I feel the most free and expressive. A mermaid's gift is to inspire people to rekindle their relationship to nature, and a way to communicate the environmental issues that face us at this point."
Hannah is currently working with Emmy Award winning cinematographer Shawn Heinrichs to create mind-blowing imagery that captures her unique connection to marine life in an upcoming documentary - Guardians of the Deep - Tears of a Mermaid.