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Messages - liam

Poetry / It\'s Better with Distance
September 19, 2015, 12:55:15 PM
Nice poem, I like it myself. I think this part below leads up to the ending well.
All the ones who came before me, my elders, 
to be recognized and not forgotten.
They beg in vain, for
i can not recall
a time when they could make me tremble
the way this does.[/quote]
Photography / Germany
September 19, 2015, 11:47:04 AM
I dont want to see an ass JJ but the quality of the first picture lets it down for me, it looks distorted and blurry.

The second one is good tho.
Introductions / Introducing...
September 19, 2015, 11:41:44 AM
Welcome to P&A! Online HomesickAlienPoet, nice to see the site had such a good strong cast.

Good luck with your studies.
Introductions / My Intro
September 19, 2015, 11:40:39 AM
I was not a member of the old site, yet seeing the new one impresses me. We are in safe hands with Joey and JJ, they work their socks of to bring the sites they run success and its good to see people of similar quality already behind the site.

Welcome Jerry
General Art / Ipad doodle
September 19, 2015, 11:39:09 AM
Its really good, regardless of the time spent it actually looks a dead ringer for Bart.

I also like the watermark style colouring, it makes the picture stand out for me. You should do some more sometime, I will look forward to seeing them.
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Saturday 19th September
September 19, 2015, 11:35:32 AM
Its my day off, so its a shame that Notts are not at meadow lane.

I will be putting the radio in a short while, then after the game I have to go grocery shopping with my mum. Not the most busiest weekends for me, but tomorrow I will be heading up to York so I may get a chance to share some pictures.
Some of it looks badly CGI\'d.

Not my cup of tea really but I did watch it.
General Art / Dreams of the White Dragon
September 17, 2015, 09:22:56 PM
I do like them, tho unlike others I do not seeing anything in the paintings. Nice mix of colours tho!
Entertainment & News / Ai Weiwei
September 17, 2015, 09:21:15 PM
Is he still banned or limited with his activties? I know they have allowed him to travel but it seems stupid tbh.
Poetry / Let Boulders be Bygones
September 17, 2015, 11:59:08 AM
I think the start is strong, that is my favourite part about this poem.
Shoestrings and sails
led us to separate shores
Eldorado  & Babylon
the mighty and small
stand statuesque or fall
cupp\'d in the palm of Time\'s
calloused clinching/unclinching
hand[/quote]This is very well written. Thumbs up!  
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Thursday 17th September
September 17, 2015, 11:42:34 AM
I have work at half 1, so I wont be hanging around much because theres a lot of planning needed today. I finish about 6-7pm depending on the time and iwont have done much by that stage.

Glad you had a good lesson Joey, what have you been upto today Cheeky?
General Art / Zentangle Inspired Art
September 16, 2015, 08:56:59 PM
It reminds me of a wave for some reason, it looks pretty cool.

Good job!
Entertainment & News / Pretty cool message
September 16, 2015, 08:44:11 PM
I have read things like this in the past, its pretty creative and cool.

I wonder just how hard it is to write something like this?
Introductions / Introducing myself
September 16, 2015, 08:23:16 PM
Hello JJ, good to see you and Joe working on another website.

I noticed Cobby is in the group on FB, is he working on this with you? You make a good team thats for sure. Welcome
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 08:19:19 PM
It reads well and the breaks add a flare to it when reading. Well done!