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Messages - Chris

Collaborations / Community Project; Halloween Story Book
September 21, 2015, 11:28:53 PM
Folks, I am attaching Sunday 18th October as the deadline to have the submissions ready.

Obviously we still require a few more writers. I\'m hoping /profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia may rise to the challenge, as I think she would write a good horror story. I should also add /profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"8\">@GoddessGlamourPuss to the list of contributors.
General Art / portrairts
September 21, 2015, 11:19:10 PM
Quote from: CWBunker\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"65\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"342 date=1442862583Yes not sure why its uploaded that way.
It seems to be a bug, I best look into that and get it resolved.
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Monday 21st September
September 21, 2015, 09:38:13 PM
Quote from: liam\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"63\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"329 date=1442841265I am planning to create a new Facebook account, supposedly my current one was locked due to security reasons.

Yet I have no acceptable for of I.D to upload, I dont have any utility bills because I live with my mum still. I really dont see why I should have to present my I.D if someone else hacked into my account, surely since my e-mail or phone number hasn\'t changed that would be enough to resend a \"safe\" password.

Later I have work around 4pm.
Write a kick ass complaint letter, why would they want people to send I.D?

I\'ve never even heard of a website doing this at all, there\'s usually a support e-mail to message and then they ask you a series of question. Surely a risk of data concern?
General Art / portrairts
September 21, 2015, 06:20:21 PM
Good idea buddy, people will be interested in artwork like this.

I sort of wished I could turn the image around, so I didn\'t have to look side ways but regardless, it\'s clear as day that it\'s well drawn, amazing detail and the tones are brilliant. Very life like! As a Notts fan, you have chosen a good subject to draw.

Keep \'em coming!
Computer Graphics / Some Graphics
September 21, 2015, 04:52:18 PM
Some will know, one of the sites I own and run is related to the football team I support. The site is a hub within my local community and one thing which is popular, is computer graphics. I\'m not a professional, self taught but I am content with my skills.

Anyway, here are some of them.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11863362_10154251615165961_4842515619519333278_n.png?oh=16f173228fa2e3a1b5c1f0120e5fda13&oe=56A3703B\" alt=\"11863362_10154251615165961_4842515619519\" class=\"ipsImage\">

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1656287_10153479727325961_7086936480303251632_n.png?oh=3092f980c9eb138815860c627cb84c1a&oe=56A009E0\" alt=\"1656287_10153479727325961_70869364803032\" class=\"ipsImage\">

The above are two of the cover images I designed.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/p720x720/11900068_10154285165530961_7569539445593842883_n.jpg?oh=5416d3d1afda621ceccb00507e8482b0&oe=569EA8D8\" alt=\"11900068_10154285165530961_7569539445593\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/t31.0-8/s720x720/11953607_10154273292920961_317024796829552582_o.jpg\" alt=\"11953607_10154273292920961_3170247968295\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11009176_10154029110285961_2890191350234784978_n.png?oh=363c3e5533f4bd3e3c4290fac86e64c7&oe=56963643\" alt=\"11009176_10154029110285961_2890191350234\" class=\"ipsImage\">

Poetry / Ethel goes a-lookin\'
September 21, 2015, 01:52:23 PM
I really don\'t know what to type here buddy, it\'s well written as per usual though.

I\'m awaiting someone else to sum up the bolded letters! I\'ve spent a little time trying to look into that but my minds really not in the mood for it, I blame feeling under the weather.

Thanks for sharing HAP!
General Art / childrens book illustrations
September 21, 2015, 12:46:47 PM
It\'s a very good idea to build your portfolio up by focusing on children\'s books.

The illustrations are well drawn, very appealing and I am sure little one\'s would find them to be fun also. One of my many slow burning projects, is a children\'s book - anyone think they\'re easy to write, couldn\'t be more wrong.

Nice idea mate, I look forward to seeing more.

Keep \'em coming!
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Monday 21st September
September 21, 2015, 12:43:12 PM
I really need to book an appointment with the doctors, that is something I aim to do shortly.

I feel like a zombie today, really quite rough and I think after doing the above, I will find something to eat and relax a little before taking on the duties I need to fulfill with my websites. I need to encourage a little more posting here and on one other, though this said, I am very impressed with how we have come together on Poetry & Art! Online and really, It\'s still very early days.

I\'m having a lot of fun though.

At some stage I plan to finish /profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey\'s challenge - I\'ve got the words, since I rolled a dice. /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones also has wrote a challenge poem, yet he needs to submit it.

What is/has everyone else been up to? 
General Discussion / Happy Birthday Call me Cordelia
September 21, 2015, 02:01:54 AM
Please join me in wishing Poetry & Art! Online\'s first birthday wish.

Happy Birthday /profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia! I hope you have a special and fun day in store, enjoy your birthday.

Now let\'s have some virtual cake! 
It\'s this stage whereby I say, no wait, I type! That I am surprised it wasn\'t this film /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones last saw.
General Art / My take on Marvel Avengers
September 20, 2015, 10:21:29 PM
Wolverine, Wolverine, Wolverine..... You would have yourself a sale there! @Jake these pictures, he said he wanted them and if you could get them printed on t-shirts etc

I think many others would.

Great art, you never fail to impress bud. Thanks for sharing! Keep \'em coming!!
General Art / Ipad doodle
September 20, 2015, 06:55:43 PM
Thanks SpaceMonkey, Liam, Cheeky and Stewart
Collaborations / Community Project; Halloween Story Book
September 20, 2015, 03:16:58 PM
I\'m looking more for a co-manager, someone who can iron things out but no worries.

I am sure someone will volunteer their services (one way or another). @Joe Jones doesn\'t think a page is long enough though, so we will have to come to some sort of plan with that.
Collaborations / Community Project; Halloween Story Book
September 20, 2015, 02:36:13 PM
Writers required (We need potentially 5 more stories - Assuming that those who have pledge to write only contribute once of course)

Story Length - Around 750 words (Roughly a page and an half) 
Deadline - Sunday 18th October

** Please make sure you have your stories ready - Please e-mail them to webmaster(at)poetryartonline.com (replace the \"at\" with @ of course)

Writers will be required to request what they would like in detail, so that the Illustrators can create the artwork and then this can move onto being designed/put together. 

- Writers
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/4-joe-jones/\">@Joe Jones
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/9-spacemonkey/\">@SpaceMonkey
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"8\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/\">@GoddessGlamourPuss
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/34-wwrites/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"34\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/34-wwrites/\">@Wwrites - Potentially...
/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia

- Artists
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/29-cwbunker/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"29\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/29-cwbunker/\">@CWBunke
http://poetryartonline.com/profile/34-wwrites/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"34\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/34-wwrites/\">@Wwrites