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Messages - Chris

Collaborations / Community Project; Halloween Story Book
September 20, 2015, 02:35:31 PM
I am keen to put together a pdf/ebook of horror stories in time for Halloween.

Now, this is a floating idea and I am wondering if anyone would be up for project managing this alongside me? Reason I am asking for help, is I need it (help) and for someone to iron out the finer details, whilst coordinating the project so it runs as smoothly as possible.

This project could showcase the fun and togetherness we have within our community.

So who\'s in? We need writers and people to draw art for it.
Poetry / In The Skies Of Ethereal
September 20, 2015, 01:55:44 PM
This is really something, I like the formatting and presentation.

The poem itself is full of wonderful lines, which quoting just one would seem unfair but I have two sections which really stand out for me.

Humming-bird wings blur my site
As nature breathes my view through scars[/quote]and this,

Crowded with souls and thorns
From the dead to the waiting in line to live[/quote]Thanks for taking the time to share this buddy, I really enjoyed reading it.

Keep \'em coming! 

Introductions / hey all :)
September 20, 2015, 01:48:41 PM
Welcome to Poetry & Art! Online buddy.

I\'m sure the majority will remember you from the last time we was rocking the interweb, it\'s certainly good to have you on here. A man of many talents and someone I know will encourage our sites philosophy - Which is basically to encourage and create no matter what.

Thanks for taking the time to introduce yourself, that\'s a nice touch. 
General Art / Achates
September 20, 2015, 01:45:05 PM
I don't want this to be taken as negative in any sense whatsoever, yet this screams you mate!

Just from the style and inner workings of the philosophy of your creative mind. It's an interesting concept, plus very colorful, which is always a winner with me. Thanks for sharing!

Keep 'em coming...
Music Production / Do You Believe In Heaven?
September 20, 2015, 01:27:30 PM
The intro reminds me of movies like 'Dawn of the Dead', mainly because of how you have added speech - It's a good effect for sure. It also reminds me of artists (in a sense) like Angels & Airwaves.

It starts very poetic, a little slow but listening to the message is pretty captivating.

Great job buddy! Keep \'em coming. 
General Art / Character drawings for my daughter
September 20, 2015, 12:27:16 PM
I always love seeing your creative side, it\'s something I encourage and yet - It takes time for you to acknowledge your own talent. These are drawn very well, I also know just how much they mean to Ava.

I\'m hopeful you will take to refind your muse.

Keep \'em coming!
Poetry / Playing with Alliteration and Assonance
September 20, 2015, 12:25:36 PM
Autumn willow   wind-whispering        willow wands              weeping with winterness[/quote] Bravo! This is a beautiful piece, full of rich imagery, colour and vision.
Poetry / The Day of Delfaras
September 20, 2015, 12:22:53 PM
Ha! This is fiction and creativity at the very best.

I just need to find someone to paint the mental image you have created of /profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey. Fun poem this!
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Sunday 20th September
September 20, 2015, 12:14:52 PM
I\'m not feeling so great today, yet I am battling on.

Today I am hoping to find some quality time with the weee one\'s and perhaps again, we can look into watching a movie together later? Apart from that, it\'s the same old, same old. Try to take over the world Pinky

Well not quite. haha!!
Entertainment & News / Modern Life
September 20, 2015, 12:13:22 PM
Some very good pieces there, the Roger Rabbit picture is taken from a video but still nice artwork.

The one I found most scary is \'Evolution\' - I can see this actually happening, well almost as depicted. Modern life sadly doesn\'t have to be like any of this, it\'s just a shame people choose for it to be this way. 
Poetry / Death 2nd Draft
September 20, 2015, 12:08:47 PM
I definitely read the difference your tweakings made, personally I like both versions but I do have to hand it to you, it\'s certainly stronger now.

Keep \'em coming! 
Quote from: Call me Cordelia\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"45\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"244 date=1442713413\"Mr. Holmes.\"We really liked it, but are also huge fans of Ian McKellan. I had to stop myself from asking \"Why is Gandolf fighting crime?!\" a few times, ha!
Ian McKellan starred in a sitcom over here, I\'m not sure if its still running but it featured Derek Jacobi - they portray a same sex couple and its actually pretty funny.Yet I also had a similar moment, when he appearedappeared in a UK television soap.He portrayed a conman in Coronation Street and it was surreal to see him acting within the soap drama - I kept mentioning its Magneto and Gandolf. LMAO!!
Entertainment & News / Jackie Collins Dead!
September 20, 2015, 01:32:55 AM
Yes, I sadly noticed - there\'s a lot coming through several news networks about the tragic loss.

I recall her in films, not so much her books but chances are I have read some - problem these days is I tend to forget much of what I have done. Very sad news!

Rest in Peace Jackie Collins.
Nice and easy discussion, What was the last movie you saw at the cinema? Do you go often?

The cinemas are quite expensive here, It\'s over £10 per adult averagely, which is quite expensive for a family of five and that isn\'t even for 3D movies or any of those special effects. There is an independent cinema which offers cheaper rates, yet for a family the selection is very hit and miss - they mostly have the features which bring the bigger crowds in and this isn\'t commonly animated movies.

That said, the last movie I went to watch was with /profile/7-jake/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/7-jake/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"7\">@Jake and we went to see \'The Maze Runner\'.

We really enjoyed it, I felt it was a great film but I only go on rare occasions.

What about you?
Poetry / Retirement Plan
September 19, 2015, 06:26:38 PM
This is quite sad, the raw emotion shouts out and several lines really stay fresh in my memory.

Keep \'em coming buddy!