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Messages - Chris

Fiction / The Most Dangerous Drug In The World
September 16, 2015, 09:27:46 PM
You posted this originally on your blog right? If not, I wonder why I recall reading it.

Before I go further, it actually reminds me of someone from the old site who sadly had to be banned. This certain member decided to rip into people, in a very cruel way and she would make people actually believe Simon Cowell is a saint. I think because we gave her good feedback, yet one piece didn\'t quite go down well (for her), it turned her into something quite dangerous and thought her intellect made her above others.

Some funny parts which made me laugh, even though I swear I have read this.

This said, I do wonder what made you write it in the first place? I can\'t just be the dangers of boredom can it?
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 09:15:45 PM
[quote author=SpaceMonkey\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"6\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"66\">Thanks for the replys all.  There are some good suggestions to consider when I revise it and I appreciate the feedback. I wrote this poem intentionally disjointed, but still with a kind of flow to it. I liked that the basic idea of the poem is moving from death to life and regardless of how I revise it, I plan to keep that central.  I find astronomy inspires me to think about things like this and I just want to pass those feelings on to others.  I\'m glad to share the rough cut, with the ideas raw with you all and now I shall revise, revise, revise.  I think I will keep the breaks where they are but work on the verbage a bit [/quote]Intentionally disjointed huh? I think I had of known that at the time of reading it, it would been useful. /emoticons/wink.png\" alt=\";)\" title=\";) date=1442436363]

Certainly when you do revise and re-edit it, feel free to either add it back here or submit it as a new piece (add a link if you do a latter to this though, as some will enjoy re-reading this version and compare the two).
Photography / The African Bush *Viewer Discretion Advised*
September 16, 2015, 09:02:54 PM
I personally love the whale photo, you kept these quiet for some time!

I hope P&A! Online gets you back into photography, as you seem pretty interested and you are actually good at it.
Photography / The African Bush *Viewer Discretion Advised*
September 16, 2015, 08:52:54 PM
See how \'cool\' the Leopard is in the first picture of the second post?

It\'s a grim set of pictures but that said it\'s nature, I think modern life brings us more gruesome pictures and for no reason but this is pretty fascinating. Again, considering these had been snapped with a mobile - It shows you how useful pocket cameras are. Great set of pictures these!

Keep \'em coming.
Entertainment & News / Pretty cool message
September 16, 2015, 08:29:07 PM
Well it certainly turns things around, had I not read the note at the bottom I think I wouldn\'t have thought twice about this and it certainly does put things into perspective.

No matter how bad your day is, just try looking at it from a different angle.

Good moral and story.
Photography / Germany
September 16, 2015, 08:26:15 PM
I find the first picture pretty creepy, even before you told me the story and of course I know where it was taken (even before you had mentioned that also).

In the first picture, it\'s well timed and I think the lack of lightening (direct sunlight) helped the creepy look.

The second reminds me of little red riding hood, though not so little. LOL

Both are interesting pictures, thanks for sharing! Keep \'em coming!
Entertainment & News / Pretty cool message
September 16, 2015, 07:46:56 PM
Supposedly this is a poem written by a 14-year-old, I don\'t know how true this is but the message itself is pretty cool - if you read it properly.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11745868_10153402918191291_7035104667065874590_n.jpg?oh=25dc7e9af1e5f25609651c44fa40b9d7&oe=5668926E\" alt=\"11745868_10153402918191291_7035104667065\" class=\"ipsImage\">
General Art / Zentangle Inspired Art
September 16, 2015, 07:25:15 PM
I'm going to sound ignorant but I\'ve never heard of it.

It seems a cool concept and nifty idea, I find art to be very relaxing so it makes sense. Looking at it is quite hypnotic, certainly looks fun. This could be a challenge idea for a later date! Brilliant share GGP!
Introductions / Hello
September 16, 2015, 04:09:20 PM
Welcome to the community here at Poetry & Art! Online http://poetryartonline.com/profile/12-liam/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"12\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/12-liam/\">@liam.

Not every will be into the creative side, yet I would like to encourage people to part-take still. You never know, somewhere down the line you may be tempted to have a go?
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Wednesday 16th september
September 16, 2015, 02:13:19 PM
I haven\'t been feeling very well so far, my heads really hurting.

That said, I have still been working on several projects and of course this site. I have invited folks to join us, so I am hoping to see some more responses and content soon enough. At some stage, I will have to start designing some items and I am going to have a try towards creating a \'Halloween\' theme.

Later on I will be recording a PONcast (podcast) with Joe Jones (for another site we run).
Entertainment & News / I saw something interesting
September 16, 2015, 01:33:12 PM
Haha... The dark side
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 01:27:48 PM
It\'s the \'old\' saying but I had to read this three times before I was able to read it smoothly (probably says something about me). The poem itself is very good, though I would like to see parts join in with the flow a little more, at least myself.

I did, however like the twist from darkness to life and the way you finished the poem.
You must stay bright and warm.
You must keep moving.[/quote]
Photography / Recent holiday snap
September 15, 2015, 05:21:23 PM
I\'ve recently been the UK east coast with my family, one of the sights I saw was this and I could help but capture it using my mobile.I thought I would share it.http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/09/15/5e293d7f0b81e084df4700b933a1595b.jpg\" alt=\"5e293d7f0b81e084df4700b933a1595b.jpg\">
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Tuesday 15th September
September 15, 2015, 04:53:09 PM
What have you been up to today? Feel free to share little bits about your day with the community here.

Today in my households been pretty busy, my better half Cheeky has fetched some furniture from Ikea and at some stage we have to assemble our young daughters wardrobe. It\'s been a case of working on my sites, replying to e-mails and various tasks (which many won\'t be interested in). However, Jake has told me he wants to join to share his pictures and this makes me excited.

It\'s good to be back!

What about you?
Poetry / Politics and a Toothache
September 15, 2015, 04:18:50 PM
I\'ve missed reading poetry, and this sums up politics in an interesting way.

I think the majority of the UK would agree with the principles behind this also! It\'s really good opening piece for the site. Thanks for sharing!