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Messages - GoddessGlamour Puss

Fiction / The Most Dangerous Drug In The World
September 17, 2015, 04:22:59 PM
Love it! Perfectly describes current society. I am wondering if the conservative government is in charge of the Department of Misinformation as it certainly sounds like the sort of mass communication we can expect from them. Now I\'m worried I may have been infected with intelligence so to be on the safe side shall grab a couple of tabloids to peruse along with the latest gossip mag. 
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Thursday 17th September
September 17, 2015, 02:19:38 PM
I am on an errand at work and been disturbed by Yoda levitating outside McDonalds! I\'ve had an interesting chat with a couple of Elders from The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Currently arguing with the hubby over who goes home and the existence of the red letter. Watching customers play charardes on a phone.Just another day in the cave :-)
I agree Joey. Tbh until I moved here I would never have known anything about  DH Lawrence other than the literiture. To say there is such a wealth of history and interesting sites in Nootinghamshire is an understatement. And as an \'outsider\' it beggars belief that so little is done to promote/preserve it. I sincerely hope that something can be done to save this place.
Introductions / Introducing myself
September 17, 2015, 09:48:56 AM
Hi JoeWelcome to the site :-)Certainly looking forward to some stories. Sadly brevity is not my strong point which is why I stick to the poetry mostly.Glad to have you on board and looking forward to your writing 
Photography / The African Bush *Viewer Discretion Advised*
September 17, 2015, 09:42:05 AM
I find the cheetah pictures very impressive and not sad at all. They are certainly emotive as we have been de-sensitised to true nature and it\'s savagery but that\'s the cycle of life and for me these pictures capture the essence of the sahara through the cheetah hunting. It must have been an awesome experience and a true privilege to witness. The whale picture is pretty cool and I can imagine it was awesome to see. Don\'t envy the journey at all but at least you got a cool pic :-)
General Art / Charlie Hebdo
September 17, 2015, 08:22:06 AM
Love it! Due to be restricted to a smartphone I just saw the pencil so was 'okay....' scrolled down was then totally stunned! For me that added an extra element and literally packed a punch lol.I especially like the passive/aggressive theme "the pen(cil) is mightier than the sword" and a definite tribute not only to Charlie Hebdo but to all who dare to speak up and challenge 
Entertainment & News / Pretty cool message
September 16, 2015, 09:43:41 PM
I saw this a bit ago and thought it was certainly interesting. Perhaps a shame it needs pointing out you should read backwards as Joey points out it could be easy to miss that.All in all a good piece. Turn a frown upside down :-)
Photography / Germany
September 16, 2015, 08:42:25 PM
I really like the 1st pic. The red coat really adds a striking contrast to the scene and adds a powerfull sense of perspective. The walls feel like they should come crashing down yet at the same time seem to be standing tall. All in all a beautiful representation of a sombre and emotive subject.The 2nd one looks quite peaceful to me. Personally I find the woodland a little spacious to be creepy enough for Red Riding Hood but that\'s my perspective.Both are great pics :-)
General Art / Zentangle Inspired Art
September 16, 2015, 08:30:56 PM
Yeah I have one of those too :-) I agree Frosty it is designed to be done in pen and I have re-created a mini version in colour. It\'s all a work in progress so I shall share more :-) Nice idea Joey there are a few websites around that have tangles and probably something on Youtube but I could be persuaded to offer sonething up in the future :-)
General Art / Zentangle Inspired Art
September 16, 2015, 06:48:29 PM
I have recently discovered Zentangle which is a form of artistic meditation. The aim is to take a small square (9cm x 9cm) draw a random \'string\' and fill the spaces with tangles. Looks complicated but is made up of lots of small strokes to create an image. This one is my favourite so far and I aim to mix it with other media and ideas 
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 06:17:23 PM
I find a 2nd read through beneficial. I quite like the rough quality to the \'flow\' as it is slightly jarring and a reminder of the ever present spectre just around the corner. I\'m not overly keen on the 1st stanza and personally prefer the piece without it but that\'s just me.I would like to see how you intend to develop it or your thoughts with it Spacemonkey either way a good looking piece 
Introductions / Hello
September 16, 2015, 05:55:06 PM
Hi Liam and welcome :-)It\'s always nice to hear different opinions and hopefully you could be tempted into a challenge?  Either way it\'s good to have you on board and look forward to seeing you atound
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Wednesday 16th september
September 16, 2015, 05:12:22 PM
I am still at work. Had a stressful day dealing with authorities and that will be ongoing. On the plus side I intend to try and channel something into a creative piece and get a post up today. 
Entertainment & News / I saw something interesting
September 16, 2015, 11:28:09 AM
Oh I so want to face palm this but it\'s actually rather witty and quite in depth though. So ROFL
Poetry / Politics and a Toothache
September 15, 2015, 11:11:56 PM
Oh how I have missed these posts. Great to see HAP back :-)I found the repetition of the last line quite powerful in multiple ways. As a statement to reinforce the imagery of the stanza creates a stand alone viewpoint that collectively create a degredating view of politics. Concluding each comment with this line reinforces the point that politics can wear you down just as persistant toothache.The final stanza is a perfect conclusion as it draws together the two themes that at first seem so diametrically opposed yet prove to serve as the perfect emphasis of the other.