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Messages - Chris

In-depth & Re-Working / Trains and Nostalgia
October 04, 2015, 03:42:10 PM
I have to be honest, I don\'t feel qualified enough to suggest how you can edit/improve this.Though, there are people with safer hands within our site who can provide you with that advice and help required to take this to the next level.For myself, I like the start and can\'t really see how you can tweak that.
a mushroom cooking in a pan, I am.
This country is doing what everyone says it does.
I am trying not to care,
but it seems I don\'t try enough.
So I pop a pill to make up,
for my lack of effort. If i take one,
before the other one wears off-
its gives the pain no chance to come forth.
to claim my attention. 

I am sitting next to a sleepy men in a train.     -   (man on a train)
He is white with age but i
swear i can\'t even tell which
one of us has been on earth longer.[/quote]Just a few things I noticed, which I have bolded to highlight - I\'m not trying to join the grammar police BTW.

The poem for me does read well, it highlights the day to day struggle of life and grinding it out when you are unhappy. I genuinely like it and I wished I could make suggestions, as I would like to help but I\'ll leave that for the more talented members to do.

Thanks for sharing! Keep \'em coming!!
First two stories have been submitted folks, many thanks to /profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia.
Entertainment & News / Share a music video topic
October 04, 2015, 12:52:21 AM
I\'m starting to think that \'Owl City\' is the musical version of \'PontyPool\'.

That or, /profile/2-cheeky~k8/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/2-cheeky~k8/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"2\">@cheeky~k8 has really made me miss the good \'ole days of gaming and of course Wreck it Ralph!
All are cool, I used to love watching the national geographic channel before I reverted to remaining upstairs and long prior to my children assuming control of the TV. 
General Discussion / P&A! Member Collage Contest
October 03, 2015, 10:24:49 PM
Vote for the winner folks, this is just for fun but I am interested to see which our community prefers. If people take part in this, I will do it every two weeks or so.

You have one vote! Voting ends on the 10th.

Please vote!

Collage - 1

Collage - 2

Collage - 3\"11222183_10153609008176665_1856254565747\"https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11222183_10153609008176665_1856254565747443103_n.jpg?oh=09c9ba00bd47120f2241aa9e42ab7f6c&oe=569E201F\">

Collage - 4

Thanks for voting! Also to the members who contributed to all of the above.
Poetry / Connected
October 03, 2015, 05:34:32 PM
This is very cool Sarah, I\'ve never seen anything like this before and I really like what you have done here. It\'s nice to see the story behind it also, what a great share this is.Keep em coming!
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Saturday 3rd October
October 03, 2015, 01:57:09 PM
I\'m pushing to break 100 likes on FB soon enough, plus I was to get up to 80 on Instagram - Twitter is just very time consuming and I know just like my other sites, that will just randomly balloon one day.

Right now, I am preparing to go fetch take-away. Final treat for us, then after I start the serious work.

Also, I am going to crack on with designing the Halloween theme I am doing. I may even get chance to start my story, I have the idea/outline jotted but not much else.
Poetry / epiphany
October 03, 2015, 02:25:41 AM
I really felt like I was within a field myself, as you painted the imagery nicely with the words. Just to be a fraction picky, I love the image but strongly dislike the font that spells \'epiphany\'.

Thanks for sharing Sarah!

I seem to recall it, perhaps you submitted it to MM or the old site?
Challenges & Artistic Exercises / Roundabout 1
October 03, 2015, 02:17:16 AM
With no worries in my head
As my heart is sinking
And the sunsets & the rays
Beam down keeping me thinking

Photography / Seagull
October 03, 2015, 12:58:47 AM
You may have noticed your idea inspired me to do pretty much the same here - It\'s a nice way to promote poetry.

I\'ve also recently mentioned how much of a sucker I am for cloud formations, which this photo captures nicely and the writing is completely complementary. Great job!

Keep \'em coming!
Poetry / Smoke Signals
October 03, 2015, 12:48:07 AM
Ah, this poem holds so much meaning - It\'s a brilliant share HAP.

I\'m probably overlooking something, yet I like how each part doesn\'t follow a specific structure. The words really do flow nicely and each section is just as good as the last.

Keep \'em coming!
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Friday 2nd October
October 03, 2015, 12:33:10 AM
Ended up going to Goose Fair, after /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones played silly games - I\'m coming, You guys go, etc etc.. LOL

It was a good night, really enjoyed seeing the children laughing. I didn\'t like how busy it was or how rude people was, yet that beside the point really. It was good to be out and about as a family, along with my adopted brother and uncle of the little ones. Oh and thank god for printed coupons for 50p! That really allowed us to let the kids have a few rides.

Certainly beats the time when they gave 20p one\'s a way. Hehe!!
General Art / time for bed...but heres what i did today
October 03, 2015, 12:22:26 AM
These are great mate!

I noticed a couple of pictures on Facebook, once I logged on after returning from Goose Fair. They will be very popular in my opinion! I love seeing the design/drawing process and you have captured it well.

Looking forward to seeing the final finished version. Keep \'em coming!
Introductions / My name\'s not really Cordelia
October 03, 2015, 12:19:52 AM
I am so pleased to have you on board Sarah, when I spoke to Cheeky about relaunching - we both spoke about how we missed the site and how good it could have been if we had managed to keep it. Obviously, things do happen for a reason but your support always made such a huge difference (as it did on where we originally met).

By all means add your blog link to your signature - /settings/signature/\">Link Here

I have a fair few friends now who live in Kansas, in fact one of my football mates is from your neck of the woods.

It\'s good to have you here, especially as a team member! So, thank you!

PS. I\'m pleased with how the sites put me back in contact with people, I wished Bubbles and Corinne could join (as I do miss them also). I bet this comes across like a right saddo! LOL
Poetry / Dark Passenger
October 02, 2015, 04:15:37 PM
Good use of your imagination and creative words, artistically arranged and structured very well. I really enjoyed this mate!

Keep \'em coming!