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Messages - SpaceMonkey

Challenges & Artistic Exercises / 5 Random Words Challenge
September 17, 2015, 05:58:54 AM
Reserved for submissions
Challenges & Artistic Exercises / 5 Random Words Challenge
September 17, 2015, 05:57:19 AM
This is a fun exercise for both beginners and seasoned writers.  The rules are simple.  Grab a 6 sided die./monthly_2015_09/6sider.jpg.a8236519dfa14ddf4543f28827caaa39.jpg\">random word generator  which is a great resource if you enjoy exercises like this.   PS Bonus Ultimate Challenge after you finish the first one.  Write a poem using ALL 30 words!!!!! 
General Art / Charlie Hebdo
September 17, 2015, 03:15:59 AM
lol not what i was expecting, but bloody brilliant  I felt that way too, but just about pencils, I despise them.  I am Pen4life.  So this picture had kind of a double meaning thing going on for me.  
Poetry / Death
September 17, 2015, 01:10:36 AM
[quote author=joey_matthews\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"6\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"74\">Intentionally disjointed huh? I think I had of known that at the time of reading it, it would been useful.

 [/quote]HAHA  but that would defeat the purpose of unbiased reading /emoticons/tongue.png\" alt=\":P\" title=\":P date=1442438145] 
Fiction / The Most Dangerous Drug In The World
September 16, 2015, 10:48:28 PM
This feels very dystopian, I love it and want to comment further but I want to read it a few more times first
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 08:46:03 PM
Thanks for the replys all.  There are some good suggestions to consider when I revise it and I appreciate the feedback. I wrote this poem intentionally disjointed, but still with a kind of flow to it. I liked that the basic idea of the poem is moving from death to life and regardless of how I revise it, I plan to keep that central.  I find astronomy inspires me to think about things like this and I just want to pass those feelings on to others.  I\'m glad to share the rough cut, with the ideas raw with you all and now I shall revise, revise, revise.  I think I will keep the breaks where they are but work on the verbage a bit   
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Tuesday 15th September
September 16, 2015, 04:58:41 AM
I was pretty busy today too.  Worked on my novel for 2 hours this morning, Went to preschool with my daughter at noon.  We ran some errands after that, then played games until I cooked dinner for the family.  (Pork Chops, mashed potatoes,fresh peas)After dinner we played in the backyard, then it was bath and bedtime with the little one and then I watched one episode of Blacklist, then signed in here, wrote a poem, filled out my profile a bit, now writing this post and thinking about what kind of blog I want to start and then I\' going to work on my novel until I fall asleep. Cheers everyone and it\'s also great to be back with you.  Like a part of you that you don\'t realize is missing until you get it back  See you tomorrow!!!!
Poetry / Death
September 16, 2015, 04:36:23 AM
I just wrote this, so it\'s a first draft. \"Death\"Death lives in all things. A thousand forms, A million flavors. Death bleeds from every pore. Do you taste it?   Every road leads there. The Infinite Abyss The Unknown Night The Cosmic Void That stars alight. Even immortal stars are just an illusion, For they too must one day grow dark.,   Life is ablaze, a Passionate Heat Life is motion, frenzy, divine. In order to survive, You must stay bright and warm. You must keep moving
Poetry / Politics and a Toothache
September 16, 2015, 03:00:54 AM
\"\"the good citizens shambledown nosy streets unawarethey are collared and counted\" That was my favorite part.  I feel like you could write a whole other poem, just on that topic.  I always loved your poetry, and this poem is no exception.   If I were to edit anything it would be the line \'phantom, residual\" mainly because it is so different from the rest of the poem, though I know sometimes difference is good for effect and if that was your intent then perhaps editing it would be a mistake.  On successive readings I changed my mind and think it\'s a perfect way to wind down but I left what I wrote after the first read through.  I enjoyed the whole thing and love your \"the mouth is mangled mush\"  the alliteration in your work is sometimes subtle, but always invokes great imagery.   Welcome Back Master HAP!