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Messages - Chris

Songwriting / With Her
October 02, 2015, 01:42:05 PM
Nice guitar work! Very easy listening.

The lyrics work very well, I bet this is very relevant now? Decent recording quality also, well done mate. Thanks for sharing!
Any more wanting to chip in with stories? Could do with a few more to make sure the ebook is rockin\' a fine collection of stories.
General Art / Mayhem In Disguise
October 02, 2015, 01:13:27 PM
This reminds me of the top of snowy mountains, did you cut into the canvas/paint? It looks like it.

Nice work here bud.
Music Production / Whispers
October 02, 2015, 01:10:56 PM
I love how you also add your artwork to the videos, whispers is a personal favourite of mine.

One which I can recall well.
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Friday 2nd October
October 02, 2015, 01:03:54 PM
Opps, I posted in the wrong topic before.

Goose Fair later.
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Thursday 1st October
October 02, 2015, 07:41:55 AM
/profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey enjoy your date later on bud.

Today I am trying to keep busy, yet I need to call my parents at some stage. If we get chance, /profile/2-cheeky~k8/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/2-cheeky~k8/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"2\">@cheeky~k8, our rugrats and /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones may be going to \'Goose Fair\'. In fact, at some stage I may share some of my photography from a previous years. Though, I really need to try and get folks replying and submitting new content - It\'s becoming stagnant here, plus I am running low on poetry to promote via our social pages.

A bonus point is the fact Facebook is nearly at 100 likes, Instagram is at half that stage (50) and Twitter - I need to focus on that at some stage.

Really pleased but we must keep plodding along.
Entertainment & News / Share a music video topic
October 02, 2015, 04:46:35 AM
Photography / Photography - Newark (UK)
October 02, 2015, 03:27:30 AM
Here are some pictures of a town in Nottinghamshire, my mums parents originally came from Newark and once every so often we catch the train to go explore the historic town.

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/14931_10204839440048720_8881962846238723497_n.jpg?oh=39e305889e35278a8d8518b86ae011bb&oe=569B142C\" alt=\"14931_10204839440048720_8881962846238723\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/995035_10204839445928867_5046163866116591601_n.jpg?oh=49a394e41a427cf18b3d17df8f5ff16e&oe=5697E422\" alt=\"995035_10204839445928867_504616386611659\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10583797_10204839450368978_2824452596655354314_n.jpg?oh=397558f68183d3fb06fa4675f3d11400&oe=56972B09\" alt=\"10583797_10204839450368978_2824452596655\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10570277_10204839463209299_7494480306406891437_n.jpg?oh=97c1c18860db7e54e68036f409afc183&oe=5693FBB6\" alt=\"10570277_10204839463209299_7494480306406\" class=\"ipsImage\">

This next one, I took to tease a family member.
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/1625533_10204839474569583_1076932488871785605_n.jpg?oh=00440a35cbbf5db0a461c3414ef08d88&oe=56A8077F\" alt=\"1625533_10204839474569583_10769324888717\" class=\"ipsImage\">

Back to the town...

https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1972294_10204839477409654_6733610813404742108_n.jpg?oh=c4de62f94d393e1caa4aace026f3981c&oe=5697188B\" alt=\"1972294_10204839477409654_67336108134047\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-frc3/v/t1.0-9/10424313_10204839480969743_8882512203174034191_n.jpg?oh=2fc631219e29d1528c3c3678ac621f56&oe=569DB272\" alt=\"10424313_10204839480969743_8882512203174\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/1908054_10204839520170723_5451751688075796187_n.jpg?oh=7d17c7f95f21f621268be85ad432a706&oe=56850EF4\" alt=\"1908054_10204839520170723_54517516880757\" class=\"ipsImage\">
https://scontent-lhr3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10568896_10204839525450855_2100174913509758279_n.jpg?oh=867ba98053ecc0196faea811c9057a3e&oe=56ABC6F6\" alt=\"10568896_10204839525450855_2100174913509\" class=\"ipsImage\">

Which picture is your favourite and why? General thoughts?
October 02, 2015, 12:02:41 AM
This reads like a story in poetic form to me.

It comes across well, certainly interesting. I\'m slightly curious about the structure - I\'ll probably sound ignorant perhaps, though I\'m wondering if this is a certain style?

I like the ending the most, nice Mike.

Keep \'em coming!
Poetry / Shadows(a pantoum)
October 01, 2015, 11:21:13 PM
Different poetry forms is something I plan to adventure myself, yet I do have admit I am not familiar with many (as a way of working) but I have read many forms and I won\'t be tempted to steal it myself, so it is safe. A weeping whispers mellow guide
A silent witness to her fate
that shutters from place to place
For I can only wear one face[/quote]I have underlined the words which add power in my opinion and make this section stand out the most.

Keep \'em coming!

PS. In fact...

Weeping whispers,
Silent witness to her fate,
For I can only wear one face.

Sounds brilliant!
Poetry / Moments in Time
October 01, 2015, 11:10:20 PM
After learning of a recent passing within my family, I found my head filled with thoughts and generally, when this happens - I find it much easier to let my feelings out.Moments in TimeWe live within moments,
as time passes us by.
And memories,
are formed.Our lives,
often seem carefree.When we live,
within bubbles.
And on occasions,
these burst.
Until a moment like these,
everything changes within.
And the traits that makes us,
who we are.
Is the one thing,
that is missed,
when we are gone.
In-depth & Re-Working / Bureaucracy, Power & Greed
October 01, 2015, 11:02:32 PM
Thank you very much /profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey.

I have asked a couple people for their opinions, after writing and for me it\'s where do I go in order to sharpen it up? I think the answer lies within your last response but for now, I think I\'ll chance a couple of more opinions because I do agree with your suggestions, yet I like weighing things up with others.

It enables me to edit better but you have just highlighted why this section holds so much potential to writers like myself.
Poetry / The Butterfly
October 01, 2015, 10:57:19 PM
/profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/9-spacemonkey/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey - Polishing my writing is something I struggle with, yet I will be taking my writing far more seriously and so you can expect to see more of it posted with in-depth/Re-working section.

Thanks everyone for taking the time to leave me your thoughts, it is appreciated.
In-depth & Re-Working / Bureaucracy, Power & Greed
September 30, 2015, 11:23:22 AM
I wrote this the other night, I would like feedback on what folks would do to improve it. The main thing for me is that I have written something, yet I do what to take this seriously - so if you could spare some time and leave an in-depth reply on what you would do to improve this, I would appreciate it.

Bureaucracy, Power & Greed 

I sit alone,
 within a room,
Where bureaucracy rules.
And greed,
Is eager and eager,
Equals fools,
I speak,
So slowly,
Yet my words fall,
To the floor,
I try to speak,
But I am heard,
No more,
Decisions have been made,
Ones which limit,
My ability,
Lies are being told,
Which could ruin,
My reputation,
All this greed,
Equals power,
And that power,
Equals the,
General Discussion / Daily Talk; Wednesday 30th September
September 30, 2015, 11:08:15 AM

I am running the social media of this plus a couple of other sites - It\'s something I enjoy and I am pleased to see our page hit the 70 mark. I\'m hopeful we may break 100 by the end of the day, as /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"http://poetryartonline.com/profile/4-joe-jones/?do=hovercard\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones\'s article about the blood moon has done extremely well.

I feel like going for a walk, I\'m not sure if I will but I may suggest it to Cheeky.

Then again, we do have parents evening and then the podcast myself/JJ does is set to take place. I could do with trying to encourage more content again - I have loads of artsy images to promote but quite low on poetry. Our site is doing very well, I am so pleased to see so many people joining in but I need to encourage just a bit (so we keep attracting new members).

I\'m hoping to be able to work on finding reviewers.

That is something I plan to spend some time trying to achieve today.