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Site Announcements / Re: Merry Christmas and a happ...
Last post by liam - January 16, 2023, 10:21:38 PM
its nice to see the site back, i hope everyone will return and post when they can. 👍🏻

happy new to everyone!
Site Announcements / Merry Christmas and a happy Ne...
Last post by Chris - December 21, 2022, 09:56:56 PM
On behalf of myself and @cheeky~k8 - Merry Christmas and a happy New Year to you all!

We hope to see you in 2023, as we move forward with P&A! Online.
Site Announcements / December, 12th 2022: P&A! Onli...
Last post by Chris - December 12, 2022, 05:48:22 PM
The reincarnation of Poetry & Art! Online site was short-lived back in 2015. Unfortunately, a mixture of personal health issues and costs of maintaining the site became difficult.

I personally didn't lose interest and I do believe there's room for a site like P&A! Online to help encourage the creative side of individuals. Whilst social media is great, it can be a less productive place to share your muse, and ultimately we're designed from the ground up to not only offer honest feedback but also provide a supportive place to mould our talents and grow further.

Why join? Or come back?

Admittedly, there's little to encourage old members to return, and this is even discouraging to new members.

Those that remember the site's beginning will hopefully remember the spirit which united us and, even saw the site grow to 1,000 members. Back in the earlier days of the internet with a flourishing support network forming. I believe with patience, support and care that a community like ours can grow as a place to help each other.

I fully own the mistakes I made before, yet I hope we can encourage old and new members to join in.

This time round, P&A! Online won't be going anywhere.

Thank you for your support.
avatar_stewart alexander
Poetry / ALL I KNOW IS
Last post by stewart alexander - March 03, 2016, 12:57:14 PM
I like this too buddy...  more of a lament, emotive and deep...
lovely stuff
Poetry / ALL I KNOW IS
Last post by HomesickAlienPoet - February 27, 2016, 01:21:57 AM
This is powerful and haunting.  My favorite lines:  

like some paper thin walls that come back to echo , to reverberate, not fade
that dripping sink, our first place, no longer a comfort, my fist through a wall
my way to recall, a few minutes more, just to lie with you, in the bed, we made

One minor grammatic/spelling quibble
Quote from: mperry date=1455562087my right to saver

Is to change \"saver\"  to \"savor.\"
Poetry / Time, Rent & Taxes
Last post by HomesickAlienPoet - February 27, 2016, 01:16:53 AM
Time is a wife-beater

the great world eater

who batters us

& scatters us

even when he pulls

the punches

Men make monsters

not nearly as frightening

as the matchstick-thin

man with a sickle

who kills us with waiting

Sometime he takes

those young enough

to think themselves immune

while the remainder linger

eroding between the tick

of remorseless clock hands

Death is coming

it is the death

of fat accusing fingers

and frog-faced men

who kill us with drudgery

and a lack of imagination

We rent these bodies

the shell of an intellect

that cannot conceive

a better way than rent

taxes, horseless carriages

that carry us anywhere

but where we wish to go

We are all Cain

We are all Abel

We kill the brother

and are killed by our brother

Inherit violence from

the father

Leach nourishment

from the mother

In a world of dust and deserts,

sunlight, snakes and sisters

insects and mountains of garbage

where rain falls on the just

and unjust, on babes and lechers

in homes that become prisons

and streets that become home...

are all hopes false?

or is hope the only cure?

the seed from which we can grow

a better end

I don't know if we ascend

into long halls of light

or descend into endless

tunnels of the night

Maybe its better that way

If all we know for certain

is all we have is today
Poetry / Smoke Signals
Last post by HomesickAlienPoet - February 27, 2016, 01:14:56 AM
Thanks mperry.  The work of the Beats, neo-beats and other wrtiers like bukowski who share a similar vision are among my favorites.  Kerrouac, Ginsy, D. A. Levy, Tom Waits, the aforementioned Bukowski, etc.
Poetry / ALL I KNOW IS
Last post by mperry - February 15, 2016, 06:48:07 PM

A light once possessed, this want, had a common thread, we begin

to unravel, left with lingered thoughts of you, once made me insane

deep, inside my veins, you, came like a drug to flow under my skin

when the conditions were right, comes a perfect storm, so multi-layered

my right to saver, you, an impression of, a deepest void, my failure to nigate
left only, a need, a fix, my heart was fire, steeped like a craving, not shared
as your memory differs from mine, you and I remember, in our own way to explain

the story of a love now having gone cold, left behind, of what was, the image seared
of me watching you go, my eyes are left wide, for all I know is gone, the hurt retained
like some paper thin walls that come back to echo , to reverberate, not fade
that dripping sink, our first place, no longer a comfort, my fist through a wall
my way to recall, a few minutes more, just to lie with you, in the bed, we made

as your memory differs from mine, you and I remember, in our own way to explain

the story of a love now having gone cold, left behind, of what was, the image seared
of me watching you go, my eyes are left wide, for all I know is gone, the hurt retained
By Michael Perry
Last post by mperry - January 31, 2016, 08:54:43 PM
Hi Cordelia
Thank you for stopping by to comment, I appreciate it very much!.  regards Mike
avatar_Call me Cordelia
Last post by Call me Cordelia - January 29, 2016, 11:58:53 PM
I really enjoy the deceptive simplicity of this!