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If there was a year that was, mark this as the year that was because
as it begins to pass into history- or infamy let us not forget, to reflect
on all the gun violence at every turn from city to city, village hamlet and town
making us take stock, run for cover -so tell me, why are there so many haters
we got the NRA- black lives do matter-watch your back-while guns have no mind
still hate has an agenda -paint a pretty picture, in tender mercies, hardly, what a year
recount, the trouble overseas- settling scores, political game changers more troubles
all the hot spots, international dangers, Iran, Iraq, Russia with Syria, Afghanistan
Pakistan-Palistine, Israel- USA and now we got us a lame duck president-politics anyone?
a transition year-Trump or Mrs Clinton, Rubio, Cruz, Bernie Sanders- why we can\'t wait
as the dust finally settles-and we say for the first time ever, hail to our Madam President
for it was a year of planes trains, automobiles , fast food-lines- fire the grill-ketchup, mustard
burger, fries all the calories galore- Mac Burger or Donald King- Delta, the American Air Lines
all the takeover does it really matter which one emerges- victorious, we still had countless delays
more bad weather, all the crowds, with less patience, gas cost less- no lines- so don\'t ask or complain
as we hang on to every single word, imogii, emoticon more deep thinkers- android, apple- cell phone
Ipads, the climates changing- soon no more polar ice- the astronauts, space dust, Mercury, Pluto,Mars
a space race- rocket- X-drones- you pay through the nose- still keep me earth bound, firmly footed
plant me on the ground- give me the newest bestseller, or Star Wars-with Adele\'s triumphant return
CNN, fighting ISIS-fighting words- multiple religions John Lennon\'s words ring true, we live in fear
fall out shelters up in the mountains, whats next and still there was more- the terrorists continue
to threaten every nation, where no ones safe- paralyzed California-Je suis (I am) Paris-who\'s next
how much longer till we come together as one united front, angry, and make those f***kers pay
so give us peace- our rally cry- we can no longer delay- and still it would not be a year complete without
those Kardashians, Bruce Jenner\'s transition -call me Caitlain- how far we\'ve come, Kim and Kanye
Chloe and Lamarr, Kylie, Kendall- just how many are there- as we delve into pop-culture-the internet
google- face book- tinder, pintrest, your guess or mine- and yes there will be a quiz- so don\'t you fret
as we drop the crystal ball in Times Square one more time count it down to 10-drop all the confetti
make a huge mess- who cares- someone else will clean it up - a million people crammed into one square
mile- with friends you never met, ready, set, turn the calendar page- start the clamity, more hysteria,
see whats next- repeat the process- count your blessings- look toward the future-knowing we cannot
prevent what we don\'t see ahead- take a breathe- one day at a time, 365, 366 who\'s counting, leap year
take it all in stride, run but you can\'t hide or turn back the time, every-body smile-Happy New Year
By Michael Perry
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