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Dreams of the White Dragon

Started by PA-News-Extra-Long-Name, September 17, 2015, 12:43:08 PM

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and... Indifferent

By @stewart alexander



Great job here @stewart alexander !

You're almost as creative with the titles than you are with your art itself; it must be interesting watching the process. Have you ever considered recording it? I think it would be interesting, especially in a time-lapse situation. I'm a big fan of your workmate, really love seeing what you come up with.

My favourite is the second one; the colours work nice but both look great!

Keep 'em coming!!


Joe Jones

Very nice, quite striking pieces of art. Love the use of colour in them, I\'d have them hanging from my wall

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

thanks all x    I'll record it one day and see how it comes out bud  
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..

avatar_GoddessGlamour Puss

GoddessGlamour Puss

Both very interesting pieces and particularly as others have said with the use of colour. I think I prefer the 1st one simply because it is bolder in both colour and texture and is quite intriguing considered with the title. The 2nd picture appealed more at first due to its muted tone but when considered with the title to me becomes the embodiment of indifference. Having seen Joey's comment I am now certainly intrigued about how these were created and would therefore welcome a vid :-)



I love these and I don\'t know why.  I have no idea how you did it.  The white dragon one especially.  I just find myself staring at it for long periods of time.  I think part of it is that Red and White and Black are three of my favorite colors, especially all together.Thank you for sharing this, I am excited to see more.  



I like the use of colour and the lines that make both pictures stand out.The fadedness of the detailed pictures makes the imagination come to life to try to guess what i can see in it.



I do like them, tho unlike others I do not seeing anything in the paintings. Nice mix of colours tho!

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

Quotevery interesting pieces and particularly as others have said with the use of colour. I think I prefer the 1st one simply because it is bolder in both colour and texture and is quite intriguing considered with the title. The 2nd picture appealed more at first due to it's muted tone but when considered with the title to me becomes the embodiment of indifference. Having seen Joey's comment I am now certainly intrigued about how these were created and would therefore welcome a vid :-)
That's very kind of you..  my way of painting has to be a secret.. lol   but.. I'll try to show you guys a bit ..can you see the face in indifferent?  some people can't .. appreciate the kind words and I'll def post more... 😊
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

cheers space monkey.. cheeky  and liam..plenty on my website    really appreciate the comments and kind words... means a lot guys!
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..



Quotecheers space monkey.. cheeky  and liam..plenty on my website  😊 really appreciate the comments and kind words... means a lot guys!
Add a link to your signature mate but don't forget to share some from time to time, or to give feedback to others.

I always enjoy seeing your work! (broken record).

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

I will mate..  I'll have a good look around here  
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..

avatar_Call me Cordelia

Call me Cordelia

Dreams of a White Dragon is my all-time favorite of yours and probably one of my favorite art pieces ever. I showed it to my class while we were talking about Vikings (as it ties into Beowulf nicely) and they loved it, too.
I am a high school teacher, avid reader, and life-long writer.
my blog

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

I remember you saying that.. that was cool xx   thanks lovely...
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..