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avatar_stewart alexander


Started by stewart alexander, November 13, 2015, 01:00:38 PM

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avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

how is everyone  ??...  hows the christmas prep going?hugs  stewie
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..



Christmas is exactly what I need right now.

Though, I\'ve just performed an upgrade and need to fix the theme - or ask a friend to fix/upgrade that. In the process of speaking to my host regarding some malicious activity we have experienced, nothing major and this happened a few weeks back now but it\'s funny (in a sense) because I am sure\" data-mentionid=\"7\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/7-jake/\">@Jake could have done worse damage had I granted him access.

Mind, I have all the information required.

Just spending much of my time recently with my family and planning things properly. The start of this place, will soon be replicated and I can only apologise to those who have contributed whilst I\'ve been occupied/ill.

avatar_GoddessGlamour Puss

GoddessGlamour Puss

Really? Bah humbug!!! It\'s only November!!!!!!
I find Christmas rather stressfull so much to do with the kids and preparing with the pub as well. At least I don\'t have to decorate the cave yay! (although I have been gifted some outdoor icicle lights)
Sorry to hear about the bad vibes around here guess it shows you are doing a good job with the site if someone wants to jeopardise it.
Mostly stressing with work and personal life, trying to fit a million jobs into 24hrs and hiding from Christmas lol. On a creative side I have been attempting to stay sane with some Zentangle art which will be shared at some point after I catch up with everything I have missed.



Christmas can be stressful, but i try to find the fun part in it more than anything. I have been busy sorting some things out ready for december. I don\'t want to put my christmas decorations up until the 1st of december, but the kids want them up before. I like to see the kids happiness around this time of year, but i\'m not so keen on sitting with all the other parents watching 3 different school plays(due to the parents not the kids).


Joe Jones

I have always had a negative opinion of Christmas in the past. From general annoyance at the whole consumerist aspect of it and having to conform to the rigid \"spend money and be happy aspect\" that society enforces on you (if you\'re seen to openly dislike Christmas people assume there is something wrong with you), to full-drawn hatred of it (I have spent two Christmas days in hospital Intensive Care Units visiting relatives on the verge of death so it had intensely negative connotations for a while - another year I got dumped just before Christmas, and the last few years my family had serious money problems), but this year I\'m kind of looking forward to it. I mean, I\'ll still have my cynical glasses on over the whole capitalistic orgy aspect of it and all, but if my participation and engagement with it makes my family smile, then I\'ll participate and engage. 
Also, my workplace is closing up from December 23 to January 4, and with me no longer working my second job (sports reporter), it means I will have the full Christmas period off, with no work for the first time in 9 years. And believe me, I need the time off! Only way it could be made even better would be with plane tickets and a hotel room in Dubai or something!