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Daily Talk; Monday 21st September

Started by cheeky~k8, September 21, 2015, 08:48:33 AM

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What have you been up to today? Feel free to share little bits about your day with the community here



I really need to book an appointment with the doctors, that is something I aim to do shortly.

I feel like a zombie today, really quite rough and I think after doing the above, I will find something to eat and relax a little before taking on the duties I need to fulfill with my websites. I need to encourage a little more posting here and on one other, though this said, I am very impressed with how we have come together on Poetry & Art! Online and really, It\'s still very early days.

I\'m having a lot of fun though.

At some stage I plan to finish /profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey\'s challenge - I\'ve got the words, since I rolled a dice. /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones also has wrote a challenge poem, yet he needs to submit it.

What is/has everyone else been up to? 



I am planning to create a new Facebook account, supposedly my current one was locked due to security reasons.

Yet I have no acceptable for of I.D to upload, I dont have any utility bills because I live with my mum still. I really dont see why I should have to present my I.D if someone else hacked into my account, surely since my e-mail or phone number hasn\'t changed that would be enough to resend a \"safe\" password.

Later I have work around 4pm.



/profile/12-liam/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"12\">@liam wow that\'s so lame! Facebook is getting pretty ridiculous with stuff like this lately... I hope you get it fixed  
Stay frosty!
ILY the Frosty Kitten



Quote from: liam\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"63\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"329 date=1442841265I am planning to create a new Facebook account, supposedly my current one was locked due to security reasons.

Yet I have no acceptable for of I.D to upload, I dont have any utility bills because I live with my mum still. I really dont see why I should have to present my I.D if someone else hacked into my account, surely since my e-mail or phone number hasn\'t changed that would be enough to resend a \"safe\" password.

Later I have work around 4pm.
Write a kick ass complaint letter, why would they want people to send I.D?

I\'ve never even heard of a website doing this at all, there\'s usually a support e-mail to message and then they ask you a series of question. Surely a risk of data concern?


Joe Jones

Mondays are pretty rubbish as it stands - with me having two jobs, I go in between 9-5:30 for one, then go home and do 7-11 for the other.This should change from October onwards, the evening shift should be taken off me, but as it stands im pretty knackered lol