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A light once possessed, this want, had a common thread, we begin

to unravel, left with lingered thoughts of you, once made me insane

deep, inside my veins, you, came like a drug to flow under my skin

when the conditions were right, comes a perfect storm, so multi-layered

my right to saver, you, an impression of, a deepest void, my failure to nigate
left only, a need, a fix, my heart was fire, steeped like a craving, not shared
as your memory differs from mine, you and I remember, in our own way to explain

the story of a love now having gone cold, left behind, of what was, the image seared
of me watching you go, my eyes are left wide, for all I know is gone, the hurt retained
like some paper thin walls that come back to echo , to reverberate, not fade
that dripping sink, our first place, no longer a comfort, my fist through a wall
my way to recall, a few minutes more, just to lie with you, in the bed, we made

as your memory differs from mine, you and I remember, in our own way to explain

the story of a love now having gone cold, left behind, of what was, the image seared
of me watching you go, my eyes are left wide, for all I know is gone, the hurt retained
By Michael Perry



This is powerful and haunting.  My favorite lines:  

like some paper thin walls that come back to echo , to reverberate, not fade
that dripping sink, our first place, no longer a comfort, my fist through a wall
my way to recall, a few minutes more, just to lie with you, in the bed, we made

One minor grammatic/spelling quibble
Quote from: mperry date=1455562087my right to saver

Is to change \"saver\"  to \"savor.\"

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

I like this too buddy...  more of a lament, emotive and deep...
lovely stuff
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To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..