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CHRISTMAS (deconstructed)

Started by mperry,

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                   CHRISTMAS (deconstructed)
for the story to start, the snow will begin to fall-silently, we cleave
search for a reference point, be re-awakened- ready to listen
as we close our eyes, take heed-prayers answered, if we believe
comes a star, impossible to ignore, for there up in the sky
sitting stoic, to wait, shining bright-brightest- it comes to guide
a soul catchers dream-to lead a cause, no reason to ask why
it demands our attention for on this night, be like no other
something magical-indefinable, comes created-heaven sent
a bless-ed event-for what\'s in a name, we take in, to be discovered
for it is written, out of a promise made, vows broken through
disguised, for in whose name, we take his in vain-we will stray
deny him- or blame- still faithful, be drawn back, when spoken to
ready to come when called, to believe-compromise, fall in line
give in to redemption, based solely on a miracle-the color of gold
yet from out of whose humbled beginnings, we see it, the divine
that which makes a night-brought center stage, pierced by the cold
a mother and her child huddled-deep within a stable-unaware, they
show us- that we are guided by the simple words on a page-ages old
in the hopes that some will follow-and let the miracles unfold
while others will cry-imposter- they demand his head- there is no peace
yet from out of this divide will come-as we behold- Christmas
a faith-led by the nose-or based purely in faith- we will comprehend
what the heart will accept- becoming our picture of that first scene
a starry night-beheld we tremble, reflect-genuflect- praise his name
for on this night-comes a child- pleading, to be heard- still, regardless
blaspheme , carry on-what does it all mean-for me, for you, your version,
or mine -what ever the belief system, for every one else- it is, Christmas
By Michael Perry

avatar_Call me Cordelia

Call me Cordelia

I\'m very distracted by all the dashes. Will you tell me what you intend them for? Are they supposed to be like line breaks?
I am a high school teacher, avid reader, and life-long writer.
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avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

quite a piece... would sound good read out..  but.. as mentioned.. don\'t need the dashes.. but it didn\'t spoil it..    good writing  bud..
a soul catchers dream ..   just wonderful..
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To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..



Hello Cordelia
It is my attempt as a pause, or stop a thought, then to carry on.  I do use commas and periods in sentences and paragraghs when I write letters but for me when I write poetry, this is how I think it and write- I know it is unorthox, and for alot of people it is oft-putting, and I am sorry that it is difficult read- that is not my intent.  I will do my best in the future to keep your comments in mind when I post again.  Regards Mike




Quote from: stewart alexander date=1450958466quite a piece... would sound good read out..  but.. as mentioned.. don\'t need the dashes.. but it didn\'t spoil it..    good writing  bud..
      a soul catchers dream ..   just wonderful..

Hi Stewart
As always, I appreciate your kind comments and feedback- it means so much!..regards Mike

avatar_Call me Cordelia

Call me Cordelia

Quote from: mperry date=1451244116

Hello Cordelia
It is my attempt as a pause, or stop a thought, then to carry on.  I do use commas and periods in sentences and paragraghs when I write letters but for me when I write poetry, this is how I think it and write- I know it is unorthox, and for alot of people it is oft-putting, and I am sorry that it is difficult read- that is not my intent.  I will do my best in the future to keep your comments in mind when I post again.  Regards Mike


Mike, I was mainly curious as to the reasons behind the dashes. I enjoyed the piece quite a bit. The dashes distracted me, but now that I know their purpose they are less so.
I am a high school teacher, avid reader, and life-long writer.
my blog



Hi Cordelia
Thank you for responding- I am apprehensive, and tentative each time when posting- seems everyone has a comment or question as to why I post the way I do- I only hope is that after reading what I post- you get what I present!. thank you!....with regards Mike