The Cabin => Poetry => Topic started by: HomesickAlienPoet on
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: HomesickAlienPoet on
i\'ve sucked a desert\'s draught of dry smoke.
heard the silent sibulent hints of cancerous innuendo that sleeps between dried leaves, nearly 2 decades of plodding ash.
once we thought this was cool; that we called the tune & the bugler would lead us to reason.
science and bitter experience has shown we have been lead only to an early grave.
but at least we looked good on the way there-- and for a moment, death too, was something to be laughed at with each heedless breath.
it is a romance as much as madness, this courtship of death, an image in a cracked mirror.
cigarretes have taught us much about the lost art of dying gracefully (& dis,) and of the things we miss
while choking on regret.
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: Chris on
Ah, this poem holds so much meaning - It\'s a brilliant share HAP.
I\'m probably overlooking something, yet I like how each part doesn\'t follow a specific structure. The words really do flow nicely and each section is just as good as the last.
Keep \'em coming!
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: SpaceMonkey on
My favorite part of the reborn PAO? I get to read more poetry from one of my favorite poets. PUBLISH YOUR WORK AND SHARE IT WITH THE WORLD MY GOOD MAN!! Let\'s do it together. I\'m 100% serious.SIBULANT!!!! I was actually just looking at that word recently with an eye towards wrapping it in a phrase laced with alliteration, of course you beat me to it. \"silent sibulant hints\" Once again, perfect perfect perfect@!@I hope you know dear HAP that when I say you are one of my favorite poets I am not just messing with you, I really mean it. I want to be the charter member and president of your fan club, I hope you will consider it.
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: liam on
Hi HAP, I enjoyed this submission of yours.
it is a romance as much as madness, this courtship of death, an image in a cracked mirror.[/quote]Especially this above part, I also agree with SpaceMonkey. Try and get your writing published, its good.
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: cheeky~k8 on
It talks about slightly different things.. but goes well together.Sort of trying to tell a story about different subjects.
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: mperry on
Hi Homesick Alien PoetYour words are brilliant!...your structure is stylized like one of the Beat Poets- that I favor- Kerouac, Carr, Ginsburg and Burroughs!...I really enjoyed reading this!..and look forward to discovering more of your writing- you already seem to quite the following!..regards Mike
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: stewart alexander on
this is great.. love -it is a romance as much as madness, this courtship of death, an image in a cracked mirrorI\'ve never smoked.. but I get the feeling well in this one...lovely stuff and well crafted!
Title: Smoke Signals
Post by: HomesickAlienPoet on
Thanks mperry. The work of the Beats, neo-beats and other wrtiers like bukowski who share a similar vision are among my favorites. Kerrouac, Ginsy, D. A. Levy, Tom Waits, the aforementioned Bukowski, etc.