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Time is a wife-beater
the great world eater
who batters us
& scatters us
even when he pulls
the punches
Men make monsters
not nearly as frightening
as the matchstick-thin
man with a sickle
who kills us with waiting
Sometime he takes
those young enough
to think themselves immune
while the remainder linger
eroding between the tick
of remorseless clock hands
Death is coming
it is the death
of fat accusing fingers
and frog-faced men
who kill us with drudgery
and a lack of imagination
We rent these bodies
the shell of an intellect
that cannot conceive
a better way than rent
taxes, horseless carriages
that carry us anywhere
but where we wish to go
We are all Cain
We are all Abel
We kill the brother
and are killed by our brother
Inherit violence from
the father
Leach nourishment
from the mother
In a world of dust and deserts,
sunlight, snakes and sisters
insects and mountains of garbage
where rain falls on the just
and unjust, on babes and lechers
in homes that become prisons
and streets that become home...
are all hopes false?
or is hope the only cure?
the seed from which we can grow
a better end
I don't know if we ascend
into long halls of light
or descend into endless
tunnels of the night
Maybe its better that way
If all we know for certain
is all we have is today