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Messages - P&A!-News

Songwriting / Fragility
September 25, 2015, 10:48:38 PM\" data-ipshover=\"\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/9-spacemonkey/\">@SpaceMonkey - I\'ve added a link to SoundClick where you can play the song - This is my fault for not doing so earlier.
General Art / Dreams of the White Dragon
September 17, 2015, 12:43:08 PM

and... Indifferent

By @stewart alexander
Hello folks,

First of all I want to thank you all for becoming members of Poetry & Art! Online, your support is crucial to help get the site off the ground and become one of the biggest creative communities on the Internet.

This site has been in existence for a number of years and has always proved popular, but we now feel we have built up enough experience and knowledge to kickstart this project once again and make it bigger and better than ever.

A lot of planning has gone into ensuring that Poetry & Art! Online can become what it is capable of becoming – that is, a definitive one-stop shop for all those who harbour creativity, whether it be storywriting, poetry, art, photography, music, and so much more. Masters of their art can showcase their work and share their knowledge and expertise with those who are looking to get their work off the ground or are even considering entering the creative scene for the first time.

We have revamped every aspect of the site, from the front page to the forum. We have meticulously researched the creative scene to establish a good base of what we will cover. We have a host of projects in the pipeline which should prove extremely popular with people.

Our most crucial component, however, is you. Without you, there can be no Poetry & Art! Online. You are the lifeblood of this community, and with your help, we can prosper and grow to become one of the creative hubs of the Internet.

We want to encourage you to be as proactive as possible – comment on threads, give your opinions, ask questions, provide answers, think of topics and create new threads, that kind of thing. Also we invite you all to share the fruits of your creativity on the page, so if you've made some drawings, paintings, craftwork... literally anything that you've turned into something tangible through creativity, we want you to share on the page.

Finally, we are eager for more people to become moderators on the page, and we are also looking for reviewers who are able to provide feedback on people's work – constructive is the key here – so either (or both) of these are something that interest you, please come forward and put your name down. I'm not going to say that, with your help, Poetry & Art! Online "can" become one of the Internet's leading creativity hubs. No. With your help, Poetry & Art! Online WILL become one of the Internet's leading creativity hubs. So join in, be active, be creative, and most important of all, enjoy yourselves!