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Photography / Flags @ Stadia
Last post by Joe Jones - November 18, 2015, 09:34:36 PM
Great photos. Flags equal identity, belonging, community, family. I remember waving my Notts flag at Wembley til my arm hurt after the game had finished, much to the disbelief of a load of plastic fans who were looking at me as if I came from space (to be fair, people from London seem to view anywhere north of Watford as a different dimension). But my team looked back at me and pointed me out and waved back.
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General Art / Drawing of sea creatures
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 11:25:32 PM
Cute and colourful. I actually prefer the blue cyclops squid because it has a rather determined look as though it\'s about to race off the page after spotting something quite exciting while the other guys hang around almost posing.
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General Discussion / Congrats SpaceMonkey
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 07:08:24 PM
Congratulations to you both
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General Discussion / Afternoon!
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 07:06:21 PM
Really? Bah humbug!!! It\'s only November!!!!!!
I find Christmas rather stressfull so much to do with the kids and preparing with the pub as well. At least I don\'t have to decorate the cave yay! (although I have been gifted some outdoor icicle lights)
Sorry to hear about the bad vibes around here guess it shows you are doing a good job with the site if someone wants to jeopardise it.
Mostly stressing with work and personal life, trying to fit a million jobs into 24hrs and hiding from Christmas lol. On a creative side I have been attempting to stay sane with some Zentangle art which will be shared at some point after I catch up with everything I have missed.
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Music Production / Black Playgrounds
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 06:50:52 PM
I thouroughly enjoyed listening to this track it was so relaxing almost meditative. I enjoyed the paintings cycling through it was almost like being in an art gallery and wandering around admiring the display,
I personally didn\'t miss lyrics but then I do enjoy instrumental pieces and this was the perfect piece to suit my mood :-)
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General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 06:28:02 PM
Sorry Joey but that is clearly a bird which is what I expected from the title.
I love the swooping elegance of the eagle although at first it reminded me more of a phoenix perhaps because of the outline. Yet scrolling down to see, what to me appears as crashing waves, creates a shift of focus to appreciate the essence of the bird flying with elegance and majesty high above it all.
A very well presented visual of an ethereal concept.
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Poetry / Serendipity
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 06:22:25 PM
Beautifully engaging. I love the pace and drama of this piece it almost makes me feel drunk to read it. The imagery is particularly hedonistic and for some reason I am particularly struck by \"the sequins on the parachute\" although I think my favourite part has to be
Quote from: stewart alexander date=1447424921Serendipity closes down on me
Where beyond her fringes pain
I see a smiling fox through ages
Of the gently warm insane

House warming in winter
She takes the knife that stabbed him
Licks the blood with her wanted tongue
She yearns to be with him in his black silence

so beautiful yet dark and sorrowful imagery.
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Poetry / Quantum in Solace
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - November 17, 2015, 06:11:43 PM
Hmmm a very philosophical overtone to this piece I find almost making me feel I should launch into some intellectual debate response in answer to the opening question.
At first I found it to be rather sorrowful in tone pondering on a future that holds no peace just a cold and bleak reality devoid of the hope promised by the wisdom of aging. Yet the last 2 stanzas provide something of a light relief that lifts the peace and brings the philosophy of the opening almost full circle to leave a lingering sense that perhaps all is not lost and there is always solace to be found in the bleakest of times.
The only slight niggle I have is that perhaps YET would be a more fitting word choice for the penultimate stanza:
Poetry / Quantum in Solace
Last post by Chris - November 17, 2015, 09:00:42 AM
Quantum in Solace

When I am older,

will I have solace?

Will I see greatness,

happen before I die?

Or will my eyes,

still see hurt,

And tire of my unwinding heart?

Will my mind know,


When I am old?

Through time heals no pain.

It only creates holes,

in my mind,

Where the echoes of retention leave my soul.

And the sound of music,

reminds me of innocence.

And the sound of voices,

Remind me I am loved.
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Poetry / Serendipity
Last post by stewart alexander - November 16, 2015, 11:26:03 PM
I will...  thanks mate
glad it gripped you!