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Community Project; Halloween Story Book

Started by Chris, September 20, 2015, 02:35:31 PM

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I am keen to put together a pdf/ebook of horror stories in time for Halloween.

Now, this is a floating idea and I am wondering if anyone would be up for project managing this alongside me? Reason I am asking for help, is I need it (help) and for someone to iron out the finer details, whilst coordinating the project so it runs as smoothly as possible.

This project could showcase the fun and togetherness we have within our community.

So who\'s in? We need writers and people to draw art for it.



Writers required (We need potentially 5 more stories - Assuming that those who have pledge to write only contribute once of course)

Story Length - Around 750 words (Roughly a page and an half) 
Deadline - Sunday 18th October

** Please make sure you have your stories ready - Please e-mail them to webmaster(at) (replace the \"at\" with @ of course)

Writers will be required to request what they would like in detail, so that the Illustrators can create the artwork and then this can move onto being designed/put together. 

- Writers\" data-mentionid=\"4\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/4-joe-jones/\">@Joe Jones\" data-mentionid=\"9\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/9-spacemonkey/\">@SpaceMonkey
Myself\" data-mentionid=\"8\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/\">@GoddessGlamourPuss\" data-mentionid=\"34\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/34-wwrites/\">@Wwrites - Potentially...
/profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia

- Artists\" data-mentionid=\"29\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/29-cwbunker/\">@CWBunke\" data-mentionid=\"34\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/34-wwrites/\">@Wwrites



I don\'t think I have the time to project manage this.  But I do have the time to write a story for it.   



I\'m looking more for a co-manager, someone who can iron things out but no worries.

I am sure someone will volunteer their services (one way or another). @Joe Jones doesn\'t think a page is long enough though, so we will have to come to some sort of plan with that.


Joe Jones

I\'ll contribute a story or two, by all means!



Let me have some info and ill do some sketches to illustrate it



Folks, I am attaching Sunday 18th October as the deadline to have the submissions ready.

Obviously we still require a few more writers. I\'m hoping /profile/23-call-me-cordelia/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"23\">@Call me Cordelia may rise to the challenge, as I think she would write a good horror story. I should also add /profile/8-goddessglamourpuss/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"8\">@GoddessGlamourPuss to the list of contributors.



I\'ve got a few things to offer! I may have a story to contribute, but since I\'m also a graphic designer/book maker, I can do layout stuff. I have all major Adobe programs, and publication layout/design is actually like, my favorite thing to do other than writing and watching Netflix.

W.L. van Royen\">Graphic Designer, Book Maker, Writer



/profile/34-wwrites/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"34\">@Wwrites - That would be perfect if you can help.

I have added you to the list of contributors, if you would be able to do the layout/design that would be very helpful. This project will be good fun, I really can\'t wait to see what everyone contributes and then to finally see the completed project.




Just wanting to add, this project seems very cool and I am also looking forward to seeing the finished product.



/profile/3-joey_matthews/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"3\">@joey_matthews - definitely down for layout and design! is everyone chill with me adding it to my portfolio when it\'s done? I can easily credit the authors (free publicity!) or blur out names/text if anyone wishes to remain anonymous

W.L. van Royen\">Graphic Designer, Book Maker, Writer



/profile/34-wwrites/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"34\">@Wwrites - Of course you can.

I don\'t see any reason as to why there would be any need to blur out names, yet I can\'t speak on behalf of all writers but I cannot see a problem at all really. I am sure if there is any concerns/objections, it will be made known within this topic.

BTW, do you have a portfolio now? I\'d love to see some of your work (feel free to submit it also btw).



 all the samples I have are here, on my website\" rel=\"external nofollow\">\'ve attached the newsletter I put together (did everything except write the articles and take the cover photo). I did have some design restrictions for this one, such as page size, # of columns, and where what content had to go where, and the general colors.\">subud_usa_newsletter_may_2015_vol160.pdf

W.L. van Royen\">Graphic Designer, Book Maker, Writer



The newsletter is stunning /profile/34-wwrites/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"34\">@Wwrites!!

Very well designed and arranged! /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones have you seen these?

Apologise for asking so many questions, just really curious. Is this newsletter a regular thing that you do? Also, looking at this page\" rel=\"external nofollow\"> - I would say you\'ve done a great job displaying your talent in a very appealing way.



 [quote author=Wwrites\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"58\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"466\"> all the samples I have are here, on my website\"> date=1443150188]subud_usa_newsletter_may_2015_vol160.pdf[/quote]I really like your site, looks amazing.  Browsing your writing blog too, I like it.  As someone contributing a story for this piece I am totally fine with you including it in your portfolio.  I think it would be good too to have the option of anonymity if people want it.  I like the fact that you are available for editing too, I may take you up on it.  I am working on my first novel, fantasy setting and I have a really good outline, worldbuilding, and I am about 8.000 words in.  My target length is 150-160k words.  Cheers 

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