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Started by Joe Jones, September 22, 2015, 10:59:14 AM

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Joe Jones

Banksy is a name that splits opinion among the art world - is he a maverick who\'s breaking boundaries and opening mankind\'s eyes to the injustices of the world, or just an opportunistic vandal cashing in on the \"anti-establishment\" market favoured by students and hipsters?Love him or hate him, the Bristolian is a success, having revolutionised the street art genre, and he\'s now even branching out into other art fields, like movie making - not to mention larger and larger projects, namely Dismaland.Here are the latest updates on Banksy - and let\'s find out what you think of him.



Love his work, the fact he brings art to the masses and raises issues other shy away from ranks him high in my own opinion. I dont see street art as vandalism, man has been creating art on walls since the begining of existance its away of communicating. I wish he would use my house as a canvas think how much its value would rise.....



Street art is vandalism when it\'s done to walls of shops, houses and businesses.

I only ever agree with it when it\'s done to abandoned buildings as a way to add appeal to the rundown state, or perhaps within areas whereby it\'s agreed it can be done. I think those who go around spraying bridges, parks and especially where children play really need to find suitable locations. I\'m not against graffiti artists at all, I just don\'t see the point in \'tagging\' places for the sake of it.

There\'s a corner shop on Alfreton Road, that I see on the way into the city centre. It\'s got a pigeon sprayed on of the store, it\'s always something I tend to look at.

Anyway, I like what Banksy does - especially the fact that he uses his art for good.\" rel=\"external nofollow\">



I think the great thing about Banksy, whether you see it as vandalism or not, is that because of the trouble his art is causing, it\'s also bringing a lot of attention to the subject matter he depicts. It\'s hard to ignore an issue when it\'s kicking you in the face, or, in this case, dirtying your walls heheI\'d rather have Banksy \"vandalizing\" the cities than random kids spray painting random... ehm... you know what everywhere... 
Stay frosty!
ILY the Frosty Kitten



[quote author=FrostyKitten\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"68\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"380\">I think the great thing about Banksy, whether you see it as vandalism or not, is that because of the trouble his art is causing, it\'s also bringing a lot of attention to the subject matter he depicts. It\'s hard to ignore an issue when it\'s kicking you in the face, or, in this case, dirtying your walls heheI\'d rather have Banksy \"vandalizing\" the cities than random kids spray painting random... ehm... you know what everywhere... \"xD\"/emoticons/laugh.png date=1442932264][/quote]I feel the same way, yet sadly Banksy encourages this side of things because these kids see him as inspiration and not everyone can be that talented.



That is the problem with anyone who does something different and direct I guess.

Its like stunt people, to throw in a well know group like Jackass. Idiots with no ability or talent will think they can do it and it is never that easy. I would not blame Banksy for that, though he could make sure he is a little more of a role model I guess.

Would that make him an inspiration or so popular tho?



His work is very good, but as others have said.. its just a shame some kids feel spray painting random buildings and streets is because they are inspired by him.He is very talented in what he does.


Joe Jones

It\'s a weird one isn\'t it? Some graffiti can look nice but city authorities cannot exactly say \"this is nice, we\'ll keep it up\" as it opens up a can of worms and every scrawler under the sun will want to join in as the precedent would have been set and carte blanche given to tag walls and sides of buildings left, right and centre. So if I was a councillor I would sadly have to say no to any graffiti, because even though a Banksy is nicer than a bare wall, a bare wall is nicer than a spate of really bad graffiti here, there and everywhere. That said I would potentially try and make revenue by having a designated graffiti area of the city where bona fide street artists could bid for space and, providing they\'ve got a good portfolio, could put their art up.