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Dexter Fanfiction

Started by Morrigan, November 03, 2015, 02:43:57 AM

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It\'s a bit of my older work. I tend to like jagged surrealism in my works. It\'s fun to write for the most part. One of my only completed works.\" rel=\"external nofollow\"> 



My knowledge of Dexter is pretty limited, I didn\'t really like it.

I\'ve just finished reading upto the second page where it mentions the bleach. It reads well, it\'s not really an area where I feel I could proved much feedback, this is more /profile/4-joe-jones/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"4\">@Joe Jones\'s neck of the woods but I did enjoy it. I didn\'t realise people wrote fan fiction like this for a site, seems to be quite popular.

Kudos for sharing! Keep \'em coming.



Do you write other fan fiction? This is pretty cool.

I had a look through your account on that site, just in case. I also know very little about the show but I did enjoy reading your writing.



Mostly I roleplay fan fiction but I do intend to make a Clone Wars Fan fiction here in the near future.


Joe Jones

Really enjoyed that. So descriptive, had me on the edge of my seat. Well done!



Thank you! I\'m glad you enjoyed it!!

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