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Daily Talk; Wednesday 16th september

Started by cheeky~k8, September 16, 2015, 12:31:04 PM

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What have you been up to today? Feel free to share little bits about your day with the community hereI have already been busy tidying up alot of things around the house, which is taking longer than i\'d like it to because of the amount of stuff i had to rearrange yesterday. I\'ve got the usual school run which is always busy with 2 schools.



I haven\'t been feeling very well so far, my heads really hurting.

That said, I have still been working on several projects and of course this site. I have invited folks to join us, so I am hoping to see some more responses and content soon enough. At some stage, I will have to start designing some items and I am going to have a try towards creating a \'Halloween\' theme.

Later on I will be recording a PONcast (podcast) with Joe Jones (for another site we run).



I have been working all day so far, this is the first chance I have had to visit P&A or PON but I like what I see.

I am going to go watch a movie shortly, nothing majorly exciting.

avatar_GoddessGlamour Puss

GoddessGlamour Puss

I am still at work. Had a stressful day dealing with authorities and that will be ongoing. On the plus side I intend to try and channel something into a creative piece and get a post up today. 



Hey guys! Thanks for sharing a little bit about your day!
Stay frosty!
ILY the Frosty Kitten