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P&A! Member Collage Contest

Started by Chris, October 03, 2015, 10:24:49 PM

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Vote for the winner folks, this is just for fun but I am interested to see which our community prefers. If people take part in this, I will do it every two weeks or so.

You have one vote! Voting ends on the 10th.

Please vote!

Collage - 1

Collage - 2

Collage - 3\"11222183_10153609008176665_1856254565747\"\">

Collage - 4

Thanks for voting! Also to the members who contributed to all of the above.



I like the idea of this, they look great and each time they will look different.

I voted btw.



Thanks to everyone who voted, these are fun to pull from the Instagram page for P&A! Online and it\'s interesting to see what members think are the best.Number 4 was the winner with the same amount of votes.I will do another in a few weeks time.