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Messages - Morrigan

General Art / Fractured
November 02, 2015, 07:23:48 PM
Very nice work @stewart alexander 

It's certainly interesting to me and it reaches out to a certain part of me. Probably your intention. What is it that you used to make it?
Introductions / Mused Morrigan the Mad
November 02, 2015, 06:34:27 PM
It\'s sort of my go to movie. Like I\'m in the mood to watch something but I don\'t really know what to watch and nothing looks good.... I\'ll put it on. It\'s oddly soothing. >_>Thanks for the welcomes so far.
Computer Graphics / Space Clouds
November 02, 2015, 06:19:50 PM
 I have others that I will likely post later when I\'m on my PC at home. I\'m not sure how I feel about the multiple stars around the main planet but I love love love the moon in the background. 
Introductions / Mused Morrigan the Mad
November 02, 2015, 05:47:57 PM
Hola everyone! I\'m Morrigan. I\'m basically Morrigan or some rendition thereof on every site I\'m on. I am okay with being called Morr but never call me Morri. Just not cool.For the rest of this I\'m going to steal questions that I have elsewhere:
  • What is your favorite book, movie or type of music (or all three)? The Giver, Halo 4: Forward unto Dawn and Rave
  • What other interest/Hobbies do you have? Many? My top hobby is writing and play by post roleplaying, I also webhost. I do also dabble in photo manipulation and web design.
  • What\'s your favorite color? Pink.
  • What\'s your favorite drink? Dr Pepper if we are talking adult beverages I love myself a wheat beer. Avalanche is my favorite.
Feel free to ask me questions. I\'m a relatively open book. No I didn\'t make my avatar it was a request that someone filled for me because I don\'t have enough Captain Rex in my life.