This is an interesting picture to me more from a personal point of view. Meaning that I just realized, as I was looking at it, that it would bother me less if the building was on the right instead of the left. I know that sounds weird, but I\'ve always had an easier time when pictures were busier/heavier on the right side than the left -- anyone else have something similar happen? Even when I take notes on my laptop while reading resource material on the web, I prefer typing my notes on the right and having the info on the left cause otherwise it really throws me off and I have a harder time concentrating. ANYWAYS! I do agree that simplicity in photos does make a big impact! It\'s nice to get lost in the details of an intricate image, but I do like how less busy images kinda make you aware of how everything is made out of lines. And how lines guide your eye throughout the picture. I really like how you captured the clouds too! Feels like they\'re either rushing away or exploding forward hehe