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Weekly Talk; 5th - 11th October

Started by cheeky~k8, October 05, 2015, 12:50:08 PM

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What have you been up to today and what are your plans for the rest of the week? Feel free to share little bits about your week with the community here



I have been to work today, quite boring.

I came back to find out that the same people picking on Joey have started spreading rumours about me. I find it all weird, now I plan to catch up with posts and to relax.



Today I went to the doctors, tomorrow I have to go back for a blood test.

I\'m really dreading it but I want to know what is making me feel so ill, it isn\'t really like me and I want to be focusing on the things which I enjoy doing. I\'ve been trying to put things out of my mind, as I am starting panic myself and I know some will probably think \'there\'s worse out there\' but bad things can happen to anyone. I\'m typically a coward when it comes to these things anyway.




Hopefully they find out what is wrong with you\" data-ipshover=\"\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/3-joey_matthews/\">@joey_matthews. Theres always people out there trying to ruin others happiness @liam Don\'t let it bother you.Today i am going to the doctors with joey and then i\'ll be picking the kids up. Today i\'m hoping the weather isn\'t so wet and dark. It always makes people feel happier if its sunny, even if its getting colder this time of year.



Today, I feel quite okay - I\'m hoping it\'s not just a good day because it\'s nice to feel normal.

I am hoping to return to the social pages, promoting activity and trying to do some of the work required to bring in new members. Yet, we are growing very nicely and I have made up images to go with the majority of poetry - pictures are done to share. I really like this side of the site, watching our work gain appreciation etc.

Showcasing the talent of our community is only half the picture.

A little later I am going to try and adventure out, we need to buy a birthday present but that means it\'s a good time to look into what the children want for Xmas (as we like to start early).

What is everyone else up to?

avatar_GoddessGlamour Puss

GoddessGlamour Puss

Working all day today. Been quite busy so far:  a sneaky shopping trip with the toddler booking some live music and getting sound and lights sorted with a new DJ. Got a stock run soon and then see how tonight goes.Tommorrow off to Nottingham Castle for the beer festival :-) ( all strictly business of course) 



you\'ll be near some of us on this site tomorrow then. I knew about the festival, but didn\'t plan on going as i don\'t drink.You\'ve certainly got a busy day then.

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

I\'m listening to the new david gilmour album.. gonna clean a bit..  do a nice late lunch.. hows everybodies friday going so far?
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..



[quote author=stewart alexander\" data-ipsquote-contenttype=\"forums\" data-ipsquote-contentclass=\"forums_Topic\" data-ipsquote-contentid=\"128\" data-ipsquote-contentcommentid=\"877\">hows everybodies friday going so far?[/quote]Rough mate, I\'ve had another off day and spent the most of the day sleeping (not by choice).

I actually hate feeling that bad that I can\'t operate like I would normally, though I am up now and feeling better. Can\'t say I have done much though.

/profile/11-stewart-alexander/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"11 date=1444395440]@stewart alexander - I can\'t say I\'ve heard of David Gilmour. Enjoy the album though!

Anyone else been up to much?



I\'m going through something similar.  I\'ve had a flare up this week of my surgically repaired shoulder.  I have been battling chronic pain from a surgery 3 years ago but it\'s really bad this week.  I also have pain in my neck going up in to my head and down in between my shoulder blades.  I see a specialist on Wednesday, but the pain was so bad I had to go to emergency room this morning.They would not xray me.  They just said \"pain is most likely related\"  then gave me something for the pain and sent me home.  At least they gave me a non narcotic anti inflammatory   I am hoping that one Wednesday they will be more investigative as to the cause.  



/profile/9-spacemonkey/\" data-ipshover=\"\" data-ipshover-target=\"\" data-mentionid=\"9\">@SpaceMonkey - Ouch, that does sound painful. Hopefully the medication helps, I know with my knees (I suffer from dislocations) - It\'s sometimes a case of grin and bare it. I have Voltarol gel which is a godsend, yet you have to choose when to take it because the benefits quickly run out if you use it frequently.

Anyway, I hope you can get somewhere with the specialist. Perhaps they will push for an xray?

It\'s quite common over that it takes a lot for matters to be investigated. Good luck buddy!



I have been at work all day, but it actually took me longer to get home. It looks like I will be doing more overtime in the upcoming weeks!

As I walked back home from work, I decided I am going to try and take up photography.

avatar_stewart alexander

stewart alexander

from pink floyd mate..   hope you feel better soon.. it sounds awful  
My Website
To suckle life ..
To enjoy the nectar and glory ..
Of circling your demons ..
With glaciers forming every story ..



That will be why, I\'m not a fan of Pink Floyd myself.