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Last post by mperry - January 17, 2016, 07:16:17 PM
In those moments that held us cold and sober
where the silence crawls, apathy becomes the thrill
demanding all our attention, realizing the fight
in us was finished, a bitter pill we swallowed, moreover
to have a love you can\'t get back, our paradise lost
a love left in redux, now a casualty, the final cost
like a half past moon, no reason to stay
we have nothing left to savor or hinder
with our tongues silently rendered, why
didn\'t love stay, paying the price, no say
love was a conversation in passing, no pat answer
we lift the flag of surrender- as love goes down under
if it wasn\'t enough, for us both, this love, we shared
a love we once devoured, to fight or flight, now a blur
to have a love you can\'t get back, our paradise lost
a love left in redux, now a casualty, the final cost
honesty our only option, with hearts laid out on the sleeve
while in the morning after, it was the wedge to drive us away
truth or consequence, was it you, or was it me, maybe both or
a little bit of happenstance, a part of our growing make believe
to have a love you can\'t get back, our paradise lost
a love left in redux, now a casualty, the final cost
By Michael Perry
Poetry / CHRISTMAS (deconstructed)
Last post by mperry - January 10, 2016, 01:02:22 AM
Hi Cordelia
Thank you for responding- I am apprehensive, and tentative each time when posting- seems everyone has a comment or question as to why I post the way I do- I only hope is that after reading what I post- you get what I present!. thank you!....with regards Mike
avatar_stewart alexander
General Art / Minor Illusions
Last post by stewart alexander - January 07, 2016, 12:40:46 PM
thanks Joe
Last post by mperry - January 04, 2016, 11:34:25 PM

                             THE YEAR IN REVIEW

If there was a year that was, mark this as the year that was because

as it begins to pass into history- or infamy let us not forget, to reflect

on all the gun violence at every turn from city to city, village hamlet and town

making us take stock, run for cover -so tell me, why are there so many haters

we got the NRA- black lives do matter-watch your back-while guns have no mind

still hate has an agenda -paint a pretty picture, in tender mercies, hardly, what a year

recount, the trouble overseas- settling scores, political game changers more troubles

all the hot spots, international dangers, Iran, Iraq, Russia with Syria, Afghanistan

Pakistan-Palistine, Israel- USA and now we got us a lame duck president-politics anyone?

a transition year-Trump or Mrs Clinton, Rubio, Cruz, Bernie Sanders- why we can\'t wait

as the dust finally settles-and we say for the first time ever, hail to our Madam President

for it was a year of planes trains, automobiles , fast food-lines- fire the grill-ketchup, mustard

burger, fries all the calories galore- Mac Burger or Donald King- Delta, the American Air Lines

all the takeover does it really matter which one emerges- victorious, we still had countless delays

more bad weather, all the crowds, with less patience, gas cost less- no lines- so don\'t ask or complain

as we hang on to every single word, imogii, emoticon more deep thinkers- android, apple- cell phone

Ipads, the climates changing- soon no more polar ice- the astronauts, space dust, Mercury, Pluto,Mars

a space race- rocket- X-drones- you pay through the nose- still keep me earth bound, firmly footed

plant me on the ground- give me the newest bestseller, or Star Wars-with Adele\'s triumphant return

CNN, fighting ISIS-fighting words- multiple religions John Lennon\'s words ring true, we live in fear

fall out shelters up in the mountains, whats next and still there was more- the terrorists continue

to threaten every nation, where no ones safe- paralyzed California-Je suis (I am) Paris-who\'s next

how much longer till we come together as one united front, angry, and make those f***kers pay

so give us peace- our rally cry- we can no longer delay- and still it would not be a year complete without

those Kardashians, Bruce Jenner\'s transition -call me Caitlain- how far we\'ve come, Kim and Kanye

Chloe and Lamarr, Kylie, Kendall- just how many are there- as we delve into pop-culture-the internet

google- face book- tinder, pintrest, your guess or mine- and yes there will be a quiz- so don\'t you fret

as we drop the crystal ball in Times Square one more time count it down to 10-drop all the confetti

make a huge mess- who cares- someone else will clean it up - a million people crammed into one square

mile- with friends you never met, ready, set, turn the calendar page- start the clamity, more hysteria,

see whats next- repeat the process- count your blessings- look toward the future-knowing we cannot

prevent what we don\'t see ahead- take a breathe- one day at a time, 365, 366 who\'s counting, leap year

take it all in stride, run but you can\'t hide or turn back the time, every-body smile-Happy New Year

By Michael Perry


avatar_Call me Cordelia
Photography / Bulgaria
Last post by Call me Cordelia - December 31, 2015, 07:59:04 PM
Stunning! Makes me want to save my pennies more consistently!
avatar_Call me Cordelia
Photography / Venice
Last post by Call me Cordelia - December 31, 2015, 07:50:55 PM
These are stunning and I am oh so jealous!!
avatar_Call me Cordelia
Photography / Good morning, Kansas City!
Last post by Call me Cordelia - December 31, 2015, 07:49:41 PM
thank you. it was a stunning morning, one I would not have seen had I not been running horrendously late for work! there\'s always a silver lining
Photography / Bulgaria
Last post by Chris - December 29, 2015, 08:47:57 AM
Some interesting pictures, it seems strange people would visit something which appears to be abandoned and yet the information makes it intriguing.

Great share!
Photography / Bulgaria
Last post by Joe Jones - December 28, 2015, 07:04:33 PM
So I travelled to Bulgaria in the summer with some friends, to a location called Slanchev Bryag (also known as Sunny Beach). Here is the cultural bit of the holiday (half a day out of 7), spent just across the sea in the town of Nesebar.
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Photography / Venice
Last post by Joe Jones - December 28, 2015, 06:56:14 PM