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avatar_stewart alexander
Poetry / A Gentle Slave To Calming
Last post by stewart alexander - December 05, 2015, 02:02:27 PM

A Gentle Slave To Calming

All Words By : Stewart Alexander
ò Copyrighted 2014



I whisper steps in auditoriums

Drive by lakeside provinces in a hum

Words are white swollen guitar-strings in the bin

Where I feel the tender the moon the sun


Jump-start early morning sunshine

Poetry clears her throat from smoke

My thoughts they're blackened by trees and lumber-jacks

Please someone save me as I choke

 Sophisticated dirt cleansing my depression

I'm running the hurt from my face

I die I free wet gold into the realm

While bullets smile and pass me at pace


Stepping on long patience glamour to my final dust

In my portrait hides a smile lost in last reprise

Listing like a watered ship broken bottles captured

The last poetic look in my sullen eyes


Falling with proverbial stars I've become what I hate the most

A gentle slave to calming

Sapphired thoughts running through my veins

I live in alienation open to the harming


A castle made of sand crumbles in my hand

I hear the weeping high

The day turns to stray away from the cold

To a warmer smoother silent sigh


Missing windows tend to crash on the inside

Heat and dry skin still plague me in willow

Wine is morbid delightfully dead

For sick dreams from my sweat keep staining my pillow




avatar_stewart alexander
General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by stewart alexander - December 05, 2015, 01:42:52 PM
thanks both.. really glad you like it and see different things too...

avatar_GoddessGlamour Puss
Poetry / Juanito
Last post by GoddessGlamour Puss - December 04, 2015, 07:32:04 PM
Beautiful. Succinct. Heartfelt
Poetry / Juanito
Last post by cheeky~k8 - December 01, 2015, 08:00:00 PM
Its very heart-felt and the last part of it is very moving too.
Poetry / Quantum in Solace
Last post by cheeky~k8 - December 01, 2015, 07:57:31 PM
This is a good poem... different to your others years ago.
my favourite part is;
Will my mind know,


When I am old?

Through time heals no pain.

It only creates holes,

in my mind,

Where the echoes of retention leave my soul.
General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by cheeky~k8 - December 01, 2015, 07:52:15 PM
May sound strange.. as i tend to see things that arn\'t really there. I can see palm tree leaves in the top part of the picture. Its a good painting and my guess is its nothing like what i can see.
Entertainment & News / What words really mean: David ...
Last post by cheeky~k8 - December 01, 2015, 07:48:46 PM
I\'ve not heard of him either, but it was interesting.
Entertainment & News / What words really mean: David ...
Last post by Joe Jones - November 29, 2015, 10:38:46 AM
I love the part about \"utilize\". In the UK we have a magazine called Private Eye which satirises British politics and society. Heavy reading sometimes but there\'s a section called \"Pseuds Corner\", a column giving examples of especially convoluted and impenetrable jargon. Reminded me of that so much.\" alt=\"tumblr_nn22llCFai1rwioy7o1_500.jpg\">
General Discussion / Congrats SpaceMonkey
Last post by Joe Jones - November 29, 2015, 10:29:09 AM
Congrats SM! So happy for you! 
General Discussion / Afternoon!
Last post by Joe Jones - November 29, 2015, 10:28:01 AM
I have always had a negative opinion of Christmas in the past. From general annoyance at the whole consumerist aspect of it and having to conform to the rigid \"spend money and be happy aspect\" that society enforces on you (if you\'re seen to openly dislike Christmas people assume there is something wrong with you), to full-drawn hatred of it (I have spent two Christmas days in hospital Intensive Care Units visiting relatives on the verge of death so it had intensely negative connotations for a while - another year I got dumped just before Christmas, and the last few years my family had serious money problems), but this year I\'m kind of looking forward to it. I mean, I\'ll still have my cynical glasses on over the whole capitalistic orgy aspect of it and all, but if my participation and engagement with it makes my family smile, then I\'ll participate and engage. 
Also, my workplace is closing up from December 23 to January 4, and with me no longer working my second job (sports reporter), it means I will have the full Christmas period off, with no work for the first time in 9 years. And believe me, I need the time off! Only way it could be made even better would be with plane tickets and a hotel room in Dubai or something!