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General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by stewart alexander - November 16, 2015, 11:25:13 PM
thanks matey .. the one who bought it loved it,,  I need to paint more soon...
I've missed it...
avatar_stewart alexander
Music Production / Black Playgrounds
Last post by stewart alexander - November 16, 2015, 11:43:00 AM
no lyrics.. just an instrumental at this point...  may think about lyrics though  .. cheers bud!
Poetry / Serendipity
Last post by Chris - November 16, 2015, 05:18:21 AM
Powerful start, it absolutely gripped me and just the visionary used makes it so appealing.

In fact, it\'s the opening lines which I personally like the most!

      Youth is thunder it hides in miles

      Plagiarising contests of the storm

      Unnatural colour subdued and caught

This really did catch my attention.

Keep \'em coming!
General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by Chris - November 16, 2015, 03:25:29 AM
I thought it was another angel mate, though the more I looked, the more I realised that the swooping aspect beneath - formed what appears to be an outline of a mountain.

Also liking the work near the bottom.
Music Production / Black Playgrounds
Last post by Chris - November 16, 2015, 03:22:43 AM
It was over the 3 minute mark whereby I asked myself \'When is Stewart going to sing\'.

This is probably because I was enjoying the guitar work and slightly preoccupied. Yet, despite the vocals there\'s something really peaceful and beautiful about it - Have you put lyrics to this at all? (just out of interest).

Great job mate.
General Discussion / Afternoon!
Last post by Chris - November 15, 2015, 05:32:47 AM
Christmas is exactly what I need right now.

Though, I\'ve just performed an upgrade and need to fix the theme - or ask a friend to fix/upgrade that. In the process of speaking to my host regarding some malicious activity we have experienced, nothing major and this happened a few weeks back now but it\'s funny (in a sense) because I am sure\" data-mentionid=\"7\" href=\"<___base_url___>/profile/7-jake/\">@Jake could have done worse damage had I granted him access.

Mind, I have all the information required.

Just spending much of my time recently with my family and planning things properly. The start of this place, will soon be replicated and I can only apologise to those who have contributed whilst I\'ve been occupied/ill.
avatar_stewart alexander
Music Production / Black Playgrounds
Last post by stewart alexander - November 13, 2015, 03:34:32 PM
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General Art / Drawing of sea creatures
Last post by stewart alexander - November 13, 2015, 03:08:10 PM
he he .. love the octopus one!
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General Art / Eagle Spirit
Last post by stewart alexander - November 13, 2015, 03:07:09 PM
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Poetry / Serendipity
Last post by stewart alexander - November 13, 2015, 02:28:41 PM


All Words By : Stewart Alexander
ò Copyrighted 2014



Youth is thunder it hides in miles
Plagiarising contests of the storm
Unnatural colour subdued and caught
The oxygen refined and warm

Gentle meeting with anarchy personnel
Active duress on circled herds
My friend plies away my worst biennial days
Take the sun and wash its words

Serendipity closes down on me
Where beyond her fringes pain
I see a smiling fox through ages
Of the gently warm insane

House warming in winter
She takes the knife that stabbed him
Licks the blood with her wanted tongue
She yearns to be with him in his black silence

Mayhem keeps up in its guise
Within a blunted violin
Travel to the next reprise
To change the flavoured darkening gin

Sequins on the parachute
Charisma forte astound
Friends in empty pockets lie
I feel the ship the turn the hound

Feel away the burning flute
The music kill the devil
Enigmas drown the countryside
Fallen Angels on the level


